I have just finished sampling my version of Dubble Trouble (Belgian) by Ash in Perth. The only thing I changed was the yeast. I used a Wyeast 3538 Leuven Pale Ale & it is absolutely smashing. :super:
Many thanks for the recipe Ash. :beer:
Not strictly on topic I know. But having sampled Batz's Altbier many times I know how good it is. Now that I have obtained a quantity of Spalt hops, doing this recipe ASAP is guaranteed.
Skunk Fart Ale .
This seems a good starting point of what to brew in 2007 the looks like the sort of beer that would suit me will definately gotta give that a go got some amarillo and NB just some Cascade .
Tidalpete, love the logo .
Dubbel Trubbel ,
I fancy a stong beer and I love both them hops never tried em together .
Batz Altbier
That looks easy some of the best brews arenot the most complex recipies , CB has got some Spalt hops and I have the Nottingham yeast
A great range from some distinguished brewers thanks guys this will start off my new year got most of the bits too
AndrewQLDs Vienna Lager sticks in my mind as it was my first AG and it was bloody beautiful.
Ive done Jayses Skunk Fart APA - another corker. Had my last long neck a couple of days ago and wished I had more.
Ross's Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale - another corker.
Eventually im going to do TLs Oktoberfest after tasting his. I have TLs Dortmunder carbing up after also tasting his. Bloody beautiful.....and, I reckon its a big call, but I reckon my Dortmunder is better!!! :blink: :blink: :blink:
I love looking at the recipes to get ideas. Its a great bank of information.
I have been planning the next few brews, and the recipe list is a great starter. I'm going to give the 'back on ya bike' bitter, and a version of the schwarzbier a go.
It would be great to see more recipes there, but also some sort of feedback/ratings page where people who have made them could share their experiences.
The ISB Hopburst APA is a dead simple recipe and my version of it won the CH show comp APA/IPA section, you'll have to scale it down to a 23L batch size but it's actually pretty simple. If you don't want to do the 3 hops, just use any combination and try to get the amounts right.
Ok, I know it's not in the recipe database as yet, but I have to give a BIG vote for Asher's Green Tea Rice Lager. His recipe can be found in this thread. This is one of the best beers I have brewed and is a real hit with non beer drinkers. It is so refreshing and different.