Guys, what is the flavour difference between raw wheat and wheat malt? If I were making a weizen, what percentage of each should be used?
Snow, I'm not real good on the taste opinion, the examples I know of (what I've brewed lately

) are strongly favoured by the yeast, coriander, other malts. The malted wheat seems cleaner/lighter than malt barley but a little tart (could be an infection or the yeast, but I read that it should be a little tart), the raw wheat is different, with a more fresh grain favour, not tart, more sweet? but not too sweet. Can't wait till the Wits (2 (1 day, and 6 days in bottle) and the first weizen (in secondary with a fading sulfur smell) are ready.
wheat malt, malted wheat, same malting process as for barley, soak and germinate, then kiln. Seems very fine (no husk) compared to barley, and it blocked the false bottom when making a stout/porter brew (hence use a grain bag over the false bottom if you use a false bottom).
raw wheat, is not malted. I have only used this grain in the torrified form. Torrified wheat has been hot air dried, and has a puffed wheat look with a hard shell.
For a true weizen I don't believe unmalted wheat is allowed.
Edit: 40%-70% malted wheat