What Should I Be Using To Clean And Sterilise My Bottles?

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I have a question regarding cleaning and sterilsing my bottles and equipment. I have been using the Ega disinfectant cleaner and Sodium metabisulphite to sterilise that I buy from the brew shop. These products seem to work well but they are quite expensive
Are there any alternatives that do the same job?
I personally use Sodium Perocarbonate for the soak and then a rinse out with Starsan. When made up to the recommended amount starsan lasts for ages. Got a syringe from the vet (with no needle of course) and its like 1.5ml per litre so a 500ml bottle last for ages.
I personally use Sodium Perocarbonate for the soak and then a rinse out with Starsan. When made up to the recommended amount starsan lasts for ages. Got a syringe from the vet (with no needle of course) and its like 1.5ml per litre so a 500ml bottle last for ages.

Same here. Only make sure you rinse out well before the starsan. Same goes for all your gear. While I'm at it, get yourself a spray squirty bottle to spray everything that goes near your brew with starsan.
I have a question regarding cleaning and sterilsing my bottles and equipment. I have been using the Ega disinfectant cleaner and Sodium metabisulphite to sterilise that I buy from the brew shop. These products seem to work well but they are quite expensive
Are there any alternatives that do the same job?

I used to use Sodium Met until I read what it actually does and apparently it is not as effective as just the common household bleach etc. i.e. it won't kill all beer spoilage organisms.

The following is quoted from another forum of how it works:

"It works by releasing sulphur dioxide gas, which is effective against some beer spoilage organisms but not all. It also, carries no cleaning ability.

However, it works particularly well in knocking over humans with respiratory issues (eg. asthma sufferers)."
soak overnight in napisan, rinse and then a squirt with iodophor. Bought one of these, makes it very quick. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Home-Brew-Bottle-Ri...=item3f05d66a69

I got mine for $28 at the LHBS, so most places should be cheaper (its expensive in there.) Best piece of bottling equipment that i have bought, besides the bench capper.

Bought a co2 bottle yday, will make bottling even qquicker!
I dont go to as much effort as most...I just give the bottles a good rinse with hot water, spray with a 'no-rinse' sanitiser from the LHBS (i think i am using 'copper tun' at the moment which was $7) and then put on the bottle tree to dry, and bottle when im ready. I have yet to have a contamination issue.
I always try to rinse the bottles out with boiling (or at least hot-tap hot) water right after drinking the beer and then I use oxonia (2-4mL/L) cos it's a bug-killa and it's no-rinse.

I gave up on the pink sodium metabisulfate cos it leaves a film that needs to be rinsed off with boiling water
I keg these days,


I would soak in PBW, then hot rinse, then soak in iodophor and store on a bottletree...

a few days later I would re-rinse with iodophor and fill up...


In fact, this is what my father is doing on my advise, and he likes it.

PBW is my favourite cleanser, and its economical if you store the made up solution in a jerry or fermenter, or something.

but i prefer iodophor to starsan, as I *hate* the foam, it just hangs around forever...
Good old nappi-san ( non scented ) is the cheapest and best.. Just buy the no-name or Aldi brand

Bleach with a dash of vinegar also works.

Nappi-san ( sodium percarbonate ) makes an ideal soaker and wont damage anything. Ypu will need to rinse in hot water.

Starsan is porb the best non rinse spray on sanitiser.

Also READ THIS --> http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...;showarticle=18
A couple of rinses straight after emptying usually gets them clean. Anything left for a while goes in the sink after doing the dishes to soak for a bit then gets a quick rinse. I usually take the labels off at this point as it's easy after they have been soaking.

Then make up a couple of litres of starsan when bottling and give them a quick dunk and swirl around, leave to drain a bit and bottle.
I Quick rinse after my last pour....
and when i'm ready to bottle...follow this regime...
Wash with aldme nappy san ( no fragrance) and then rinse...
A spray with iodopher , from a spray bottle , mixed accordingly...
And bottle...
I Quick rinse after my last pour....
and when i'm ready to bottle...follow this regime...
Wash with aldme nappy san ( no fragrance) and then rinse...
A spray with iodopher , from a spray bottle , mixed accordingly...
And bottle...
I do the same although I use Starsan as my no rinse sanitiser.
I have heard on AHB that a few members just rinse, then spray in some starsan, cap it back up, when the're ready to bottle they rinse and starsan again.

I guess this could work if there is no gunk in the bottles ??
I used to bleach bath all my bottles then rinse with hot water untill they were clean and not smelling of bleach (2-3 rinses each), but that got pretty boring pretty fast, especially when doing it for 2 batches at once.
Now i just quickly rinse the yeast out of my bottles when i've finished pouring and put them in a box, when im ready to bottle i sanitize using a no rinse solution and shake dry. Havn't had problems to far.
If introducing new bottles into the system i always bleach and rinse just to be safe, and make sure you never leave beer in a bottle as it will be a bacteria breeding zone and takes ages to get clean.

This has pretty much halved my bottling time all together.

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