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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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Aussie dollar is as we all know racing ahead , so thought I may buy a program , perhaps Promash.
I have downloaded the trial , now hard question I know but do you guys think the best program is ?
Noticed there are several different ones , what do you use?
for me its beersmith or promash.

I liked beersmith more, but i have found in some area's promash is better. I think beersmith pissed me off with being in imperial? maybe wrong. My trial ran out so i can remember but its close between the 2. I liked them both,

I am in the same state and cant decide what to buy so i have the trial of promash and untill i can make my mind up i guess i'll keep playing with it
im leaning towards promash as you can get the right valuse from the aussie malters and enter them in but beer smith is inaccurate during my trial but it does sem easy to use i may fiddle with my trial again as i have recently reformated my hard drive but at the moment promash seems the go
One word from me


Fairly strong words there Doc , you tried the rest Promash is best??
Your word is good enough for me
I've only ever used Promash Batz so I can't give any comparison.

I was quite overwhelmed with Promash when I first used it - there just seemed to be so much to it. ...and it certainly isn't a pretty piece of software to look at. But after I used it and loaded in the stock grains with all the right extraction and colour setting and played around a bit, I'm starting to feel pretty comfortable. With the exchange rate as it is, you can't really lose

Those settings like dead space in the kettle etc you set once and thats it - all creadit to Doc for the heads up on that one.

I've used a number of spreadsheets that I did, and things like SUDS and even had a play with Beersmith when it was realeased (but didn't actually do a brew session with it) and I've found that Promash is the one for me.
It can be a bit daunting for some who aren't overly computer savy, but once you work out the process and tune it for your system it is spot on.

I've also added Brew Software to the Frequently requested topics & links thread so you can see what other people have said about other stuff too.

ive been working it out manually (pen, paper & calculator) to make sure i understand how things work. then plug into promah evaluation to check.
so far im on the money.
since i work on a computer all day at work, i dont want one at home at the moment, hence the need to do this on paper.
i can work out the
expected FG

all i need now, if someone can help me is to work out the formula for colour.
EBC, SRM etc

can anyone help.


sorry for the hijacking
Just reading your comments on software for recipe formulations,
It seems PROMASH might be the go,
Does PROMASH and BEERSMITH give quantities in metric which is suitable for AUSSIE or do you have to convert the specs.

B B B.
they both can be set up so the measerments are in metric i going to go with pro mash it may be a bit more messing around with it as beer smith is a easier layout but i use the same values and settings with the same recipe on both and was 2 points out on og which is bugger all but was 8 ibus out with them so u know of then is up the creek any way looks like pro mash so Doc expect some more questions to be posted if i have probs setting with my brew gear
Thanks for that Jazman I might download the trial of each during the week if i have time and have a look at both
I am going to go back to the BEERSMITH web site cause I think I saw in the FAQ
about higher ibu values

Regards B B B.
Very Interesting,
I just went to the BEERSMITH site and checked FAQ.
It explains it all under the "different ibu" heading,
It might be worth another read and evaluation Jazman, as it says you can change the method of ibu calculations if you wish.
Let us know what you think!

Regards B B B.
i think i did both under the tinseth format maybe wes from malcraft may have his fav program
Sorry Jazman,
I didnt read your first post with enough care,
I now see you used same values for both.

Regards B B B.

Have used Promash for a number of years and just checked - currently using Rager for IBU calcs. In the end it does not make a lot of difference as there are so many other variables in this brewing business. The important thing is to get a calibration point with your own palette and brew to that point. Then you can use the likes of Promash or Beersmith to maintain that point of reference.


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