PeterS said:Nice work Justin. It appears that we were both working on a similar set-up at the same time and borrowed some ideas from the same source. I too borrowed AndrewQ design but ended up with a HERMS system that I pinched from Batz. I found it difficult to fly sparge on a single tier and ended up raising my MLT to facilitate gravity feed from MLT to Kettle. I am going to try Batch sparging next as I like the concept of a single tier set-up that eliviated climbing up steps or what not.
With my first test run the other day, I must say how nice and clear the wort appeared after a bit of recirc in the HERMS. It beats worrying about temp variations as well as I just set my recently bulk puchased temp controller in the HLT to the desired temp and wathed the resultant clear wort flowing through.
Just as a suggestion re polycarbonate tubing. I bought an extra lenght and cut it up to about 6" pieces. I than inserted these pieces in the connecting tubes somewhear near the ball valves. This way you can see your throughput clearly and observe if there is any air in the system.
I also use Brass quick disconnects, however I am a bit concerned as these connectors are designed for a higher pressure water flow. Whilst it appears to work OK with no leaks, there might be some air let in the system which is a bit of a worry. We will see how it goes as I know a lot of others are using it also with no apparent problems apart from the fact that it gets a bit hot to handle sometimes.
The only issue that I had with my first test run was that my CCFWC got blocked very quickly. This is also another new addition to my system and I just had to adjust to using it. I use a braid pick up in my kettle that let too much trub through from hop pellets. Since my first run, I purchased an inline filter that I hope will take care of this.
It never ends Jason does it?. My next project before Christmas is a kegging setup. Good luck with your future endeavours.
Cheers. :beer:
Justin said:I'll try. Will have to borrow the camera again. Will try to do it by early next week if you like. I'm not at home at the moment.
Cheers. Justin
Ross said:PeterS said:Nice work Justin. It appears that we were both working on a similar set-up at the same time and borrowed some ideas from the same source. I too borrowed AndrewQ design but ended up with a HERMS system that I pinched from Batz. I found it difficult to fly sparge on a single tier and ended up raising my MLT to facilitate gravity feed from MLT to Kettle. I am going to try Batch sparging next as I like the concept of a single tier set-up that eliviated climbing up steps or what not.
With my first test run the other day, I must say how nice and clear the wort appeared after a bit of recirc in the HERMS. It beats worrying about temp variations as well as I just set my recently bulk puchased temp controller in the HLT to the desired temp and wathed the resultant clear wort flowing through.
Just as a suggestion re polycarbonate tubing. I bought an extra lenght and cut it up to about 6" pieces. I than inserted these pieces in the connecting tubes somewhear near the ball valves. This way you can see your throughput clearly and observe if there is any air in the system.
I also use Brass quick disconnects, however I am a bit concerned as these connectors are designed for a higher pressure water flow. Whilst it appears to work OK with no leaks, there might be some air let in the system which is a bit of a worry. We will see how it goes as I know a lot of others are using it also with no apparent problems apart from the fact that it gets a bit hot to handle sometimes.
The only issue that I had with my first test run was that my CCFWC got blocked very quickly. This is also another new addition to my system and I just had to adjust to using it. I use a braid pick up in my kettle that let too much trub through from hop pellets. Since my first run, I purchased an inline filter that I hope will take care of this.
It never ends Jason does it?. My next project before Christmas is a kegging setup. Good luck with your future endeavours.
Cheers. :beer:
time you borrowed a camera & posted a few pics... Otherwise, get the invites happening & we'll take 'em for you ;-) hint, hint...