BIAB, NC in 20 litre cube
Tip in fermentor, add US-05, ferment at 18deg, tempreture control STC-100, dry hop at approx 4 days, crash chill after fermentation done
Filter, keg, condition for week, drink
I guess i fairly much follow the initial steps, laid out for me by Ross at CB to begin BIAB brewing
My tank water is reasonable, PH about 6.2, Town water, quite hard 7.8+.
Tank water concerns me a little, dunno what is crawling around in it
Played around a lot years ago with RO water systems, breeding soft water fish, but i sold the RO unit dammit
This may be in my ignorance but I thought that PH wasn't directly related to general water hardness but a measure of calcium and small amounts of magnesium measured in ppm or mg/l?
High PH does not necessarily mean the water is hard, hard water does have a high PH though.
My rainwater for example has a high PH, 8 to 8.5, but this is only from free carbonates and the water is still very soft, not much mineral content, so PH is easily adjusted by minute amounts of acid.
There is also permanent and temporary hardness, the latter can be boiled resulting in carbonates precipitating out of solution leaving the water softer.
I used to have a marine reef tank and have all the water testing stuff so I suppose it would all work the same? I can test for General hardness GH, Carbonate hardness KH and ph. Are there any other tests that may be handy in knowing your water chemistry?
Does you water condition, hardness, PH, etc remain fairly constant? or does raion or other envirmental conditions make it fluctuate