Valentines Day Presents

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Barking Hound Brewery
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So did anyone get any beer related valentines presents?
I got the book "The complete guide to beer and brewing" by laudire strauchan..... :beer:
I love
Valentines Day isn't celebrated in this household! We went to the Mrs' nephew's 10th birthday party. Rockin'!
Not celebrated here either.
Trying to finish the keg of American Amber Hopburst :p

No celebrations here either
just lucky to have some Amarillo Ale left in the keg to share with the missus
lunch dinner etc.
finished 40L of pale ale before lunch on the first pony! :(
So that's why all the couples were dressed up at work tonight! Shows how much I care :)

Thank god I'm single or... I'd probably be single! :super:
I had a stupid woman who was in the car in front of me at a boom gate in a car park put her car in reverse instead of drive then put her foot to the floor. The goose then freaked out beacuse she went backwards and hit a car so she decided to keep her foot on the accelerator for another 20 seconds. Any wonder why i hate shopping centres...

One the upside i got an early birthday present from my girl - a BC mill.
We don't celebrate such things in our house.

However, we did have a few pints of CPA at Hell's Kitchen to celebrate a friend's birthday (one round cost about half as much again as an entire batch of beer) and I received a copy of 'Designing Great Beers' as part of the christmas washup. I consider that a win.
So did anyone get any beer related valentines presents?
I got the book "The complete guide to beer and brewing" by laudire strauchan..... :beer:
I love

Well I got flowers and my husband got a fermenter full of ersatz SNPA wort.
I'm going to draw love hearts on the seals when I bottle it.

Isn't that romantic?

Well I got flowers and my husband got a fermenter full of ersatz SNPA wort.
I'm going to draw love hearts on the seals when I bottle it.

Isn't that romantic?


Nice One Braufrau.

Good to see brewing is not limited to men alone.

We usually just give eachother CD's and go out for dinner (A great Indian last night).

I do keep meaning to brew my missus a cherry beer as she keeps asking.

Gulden Draak 6pack and glass, From vanSteenberg, my fav brewery
Bah humbug!

No gifts, just a family dinner with a Kozel pils 4 me and a Ginger beer (5.5% alc) for her and cordial for both the chillun.

I bought my girl flowers and made her blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I got lucky.
didnt really do much.

gave the missus a stuffed elephant, some choccies and a nice card. Were going to go out for tea, but at the end of the day just couldnt be bothered (i had traveled about 400km that day).

ended up having pizza (how romantic, lol), a few drinks (bottle of riccadona asti and brown brothers zibibbo for her, some homebrew american pale ale for me), then she ended up helping me out put a batch of homebrew on! was rather supprised. was joking about it when i was drinking the APA, then she got interested so i thought why not.

finished that up, then watched a movie then went to bed.
Bought my dear wife an automatic espresso coffee machine. Fully automatic, touch pad, the whole deal.
New electrical goods dont like me.
When I got home we read the instructions and made one cup of coffee and the machine turned itself off. We could not get any response from it. There were no lights on and there was nobody home.
The next day, Valentines Day, I drove half way across Sydney to a repair centre who informed me that the CPU had cooked itself and for me to return to the Harvey Normans Store where I bought the machine and pick up another new unit. Drove half way across Sydney to Harvey Normans and picked up another machine. Took it home and proceeded to make another cup of coffee. The machine made a couple of weird noises and no coffee flowed. I rang the repair company and was on the phone for over half an hour pulling the machine to pieces and reassembling. I was then told to ring head office and speak to the Boss as there was not enough pressure within the unit. I could not contact the Boss, no answer. I decided to have another attempt at making a cup of coffee and after about 10 mls of coffee was dispensed in a cup the coffee stopped flowing and then there was a very loud explosion from within the unit. I opened the machine and there was ground coffee, water, steam, springs, bits of stainless, plastic and o rings all over the place.
I rang Head Office; I was not nice to the young receptionist girl on the phone. I rang her later an apologised for my behaviour. She was nice about it.
The boss is coming to my house today with a personally tested and tried unit and some extra coffee beans for us.
It will be really nice to have a cup of fresh coffee with the Boss!


can't top that Lindsay! Thats going to be some cup of coffee!

It our wedding anniversary today (valentines is my built-in reminder :D )
going to the city for a bang-up steak dinner. mmmm protein!

I think a NZ Sav Blanc for the missus, but what beer should I have? After all, it is a special occasion :rolleyes:

can't top that Lindsay! Thats going to be some cup of coffee!

It our wedding anniversary today (valentines is my built-in reminder :D )
going to the city for a bang-up steak dinner. mmmm protein!

I think a NZ Sav Blanc for the missus, but what beer should I have? After all, it is a special occasion :rolleyes:

was my great grandparents wedding anniversary today as well!

70 years married today!