Used Grains

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I'm looking for a thread about used grains.

I have some around a lemon tree at the moment that stink like f#ck (thinking it would be good for the tree as mulch or something)

SWMBO has asked for me to chuck it...i need away of getting rid of used grain

i have searched for this thread but can't find it

any help?
looking in the wrong thread my man. some stuff here. its not just limited to dog busciuts. with grain and mulching your better off composting it first or at least digging it in.
Thanks citymorgue2
looks like too much work after a day of brewing.........
Process them first via a chooks bottom! They love 'em and DrSmurto swears it makes them lay like crazy!
But I compost most of mine.

Its raining! Hurrah!

You can use a teeny bit in spent grain bread.
+1 the chooks. A very satisfying way to recycle, and nothing quite like an omelette from your own free-range eggs -- with the subtle hint of Weyermann or Baird's malt.
Some feed it to their chooks and get eggs in return, I feed it to the worms and get eggfruit in return


damn you bribie... all my eggplant fruit either got eaten by black ants (noticed the little buggers flowing in and out of a little hole in the fruit)or the rain rotted them
Horses and cattle love it, they lick the bucket clean every time.
So far I've got to get a horse, some cattle, chooks, an eggplant, some ants and a dog.. :D
that should fix my problem with used grain
Sprinkling some lime over it will tone down the smell as well. nothing like the lactic pong of spent grain in the compost heap. :D

Only recently discovered that the neighbours own a few chooks.
Ventured over there on Sunday after a brew day and they were more than happy to take it off my hands. Sure beats dumping it on the garden!
Only recently discovered that the neighbours own a few chooks.
Ventured over there on Sunday after a brew day and they were more than happy to take it off my hands. Sure beats dumping it on the garden!

Make sure you get a few eggs in return. Tell ' gain, no grain.