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pickled chilli, Indian style :) Like shitting razor blades the next day :eek:

Rye bread is so great, it got me into brewing with rye. (B-29 in the recipe section)
Toast rocks!

Whats the first thing you go for when your to sideways after just walking in on a massive night out and you need hot food thats EASY to cook! - TOAST :beerbang:

What did mum always give you after you had been throwing up for hours on end - TOAST :beerbang:

Relatives : Jaffle, Toasted sanga (dont get these confused with a jaffle! <_< ), Grilled Toastie :super:
Thick cut white bread with peanut butter. No butter! It's peanut butter after all...

Dark Rye bread with the same.

Dark rye, or light rye, with Camembert or Brie...

Actually peanut butter goes with just about anything but that's another thread...

And of course the good old 'Memite toast' as my daughter calls it :)
Sardines mashed with a touch of fresh lemon juice, fresh cracked pepper and maldon salt, extra virgin olive oil, on Vogels original(kiwi bread, like a small brick, weighs twice as much as a normal loaf of bread). Breakfast of (single) kings :) !!!!
It took me 8 years to propose to my wife, gotta make sure it's the right one :p .
I will have any toast except white bread, blahh, tastes like cardboard. Toast with Peanut butter and Nutella, mmmmm. Melted cheese and avocado with a few splashs of tobassco, good way to start the cold winter mornings.
Toast with marg and Vegemite evenly spread and not too thick (unlike the patchwork application that mum applies).

Of course growing up there was nothing like toast with marg and tomato sauce. The cheaper the brand of sauce, the better!
Before you add your spread(s) of choice, you might like to try this: Toast Leaners' Club

And BAH! to you lot with your flora pro active this and cholosterol lowering that. Real butter! Real beer! Real food!
I will propose to my future bride-to-be with a toast ring! Yes! Topped with butter and cinnamon...

What the hell are we talking about?

(Oh and congrats Bugwan!)
What have you done Bugs, you should never feed a woman wedding cake :p

but anyway we will have to go for a beer on Friday and celebrate, i'll give you a few pointers on what NOT to do

Very interesting post... :blink:
I like good toast for breakfast (none of that VB style mass produced white bread loaded with sugar and crap).

Tangent, are enjoying a particularly strong Imperial IPA by any chance? ;)
I proposed to my girlfriend of 6 years on Sunday and got a yes, so I'll accept the toast if there aren't any takers....
Sorry for the hijack Tange...!

Congrats mate, took me a decade.
You will spend alot more time out in your back shed brewing and sampling now.

- Luke
"There's a funny story about this nickel.... It was 1953. I got up, decided to make myself some toast.... so I set the toaster to 3.... medium brown..." -Abe Simpson
Tony - your toast concoction is ending up on my plate for sunday breakfast this weekend. I might add a bit of pancetta, lots of fresh ground black pepper and a few sprigs of corriander.

Bugwan - congrats. I made the leap 3 yrs ago. best decision I ever made (probably the wive's worst as she's now stuck with me!)

Kingy - dont argue with anyone about beer just stash some. The reception centre should be more than happy to keep a private stash for the bridal table. My wedding I took an esky full of assorted beers, premix spitits, sparkling wine and softdrink for the bridal party during photos and the day beforehand I dropped off the bridal party stash for the night wich was topshelf spirits etc. The staff were more than happy to obligue.
Thanks again guys, lots of nice messages here. And apologies to Tangent for the off-topic hijack!

Rook, same place on Friday sounds good.
one of the best Bonj :)

edit "the important thing was i had tied onions to my belt, which was the style at the time."
I like my toast with a bit of butter (dairy soft)

WE make our own "dairy soft" by blending extra light olive oil or canola oil
with the butter. 1/2 cup oil : 250g butter

Yummm. Toast and butter.

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