Tips For Beginners In Drinking: How To Choose The Best Beer

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Various people assume that beers are merely for parties and events but that is wrong. Beer has many vitamins, minerals and healthy plants constituents that are good for our body. But not all beers are good for everyone because each beer has its own brewing process and ingredients. So you have to choose which beers are good for you that may not give you bad experience. Here are some tips on how you can choose the best beer for you.

Locate a Store that Sells Different Imported and Craft Beers.

This step would be easy for you because of the many stores online that sell different kinds of beer. It is better if you go with stores that are specialized with beers because you can search on the aisles of beers and purchase individual bottle instead of whole packs in department stores. Also you could save some money because they usually give discounts.

Determine the Color of the Beer.

There are 3 common colors of beers available in the market and these are dark, light and hazy color beers. For starter drinker it is advisable that you choose light color beers because they have less alcohol content than those dark color beers. If you are still unsure about what to purchase, you could ask for help to the workers in the beer store and they should help you.

Identify if the Beer is Bottle-Conditioned.

Bottle-conditioned beers are those beers that are not filtered so it continues fermenting and reach its final condition in the bottle, or filtered and added some yeast to add fermentation to the beer. You can identify if the beer is bottle-conditioned by looking on the bottom of the bottle. The yeast keeps the beer fresh and other healthy antioxidant contents of the beer.

Purchase a Beer.

After you have done all the steps above you can now choose which is the best beer for you. But always remember that too much alcohol is bad for your health. Everything that is too much is bad.

Each beer has its own taste, smell, color and alcohol content. To learn all of these you could find beer reviews by beer experts because these people have dedicated their time in traveling and tasting different kinds of beer to give its description.
Spamtard alert! :rolleyes: This is probably not the place to try and get away with posting spammy half arsed gibberish on the topic of beer.
I think he's just trying to plug his website, no harm done is it?

Although, where are all the aussie beers?!
I have always wanted to know that. Ty Soooo much. My life is now fulfilled.

OT: Btw, do you happen to have a tutorial on how tie shoe laces? That's a challenging task to me.
My mate bought a car last week and I asked him what color it was, he said hazy.
I think he's just trying to plug his website, no harm done is it?

Although, where are all the aussie beers?!

No harm if the paragraph itself wasn't a load of drivel. Light beers contain less aclohol than dark beers? Is ethanol a pigment?
the more you drink, the darker it looks
Oh.. I'm sorry guys. I thought some member would like to know this. Don't worry I will contact the administrator to remove this thread.
Oh.. I'm sorry guys. I thought some member would like to know this. Don't worry I will contact the administrator to remove this thread.
Mods: Please do not remove this thread.... We need a laugh
This has seriously made my day. :lol: :lol:
Hi OP,
Everyone is just being annoying don't worry about them. My question is with step one.
Does the store have to sell different AND imported beers? Because the shop near me only imports Carlton and VB from across Victoria. Will this range be enough for me to begin my taste testing? The owner was saying they are going to get corona in soon, is Mexican imported beer good?
I don't like to buy off the online because people will steal my credit card.
Thanks mate.
hi sipourit - this is fantastic advice I will print this brochure and distribute it among friends
I think the path almost everyone follows is

1. Buy **** beers
2. Slowly start buying good beers
3. Become a beer nerd and shun all their friends who drink megaswill (last step optional)

I can remember a time (would have been 17) when I would have said Carlton Cold was my favourite beer, we used to plough through it. Then we moved on to Teds, I think just because it was easy to order. Haven't had either of the two in years. I'm only 24 now so it's crazy how tastes can change.

Anyone remember when you Coldies came out with a shot of vodka in the bottle (pretty sure they were called Cold Shots or something to that effect) - what a crap idea but wouldnt' be surprised if they pulled in a bit of profit from it
I think the path almost everyone follows is

1. Buy **** beers
2. Slowly start buying good beers
3. Become a beer nerd and shun all their friends who drink megaswill (last step optional)

I can remember a time (would have been 17) when I would have said Carlton Cold was my favourite beer, we used to plough through it. Then we moved on to Teds, I think just because it was easy to order. Haven't had either of the two in years. I'm only 24 now so it's crazy how tastes can change.

Anyone remember when you Coldies came out with a shot of vodka in the bottle (pretty sure they were called Cold Shots or something to that effect) - what a crap idea but wouldnt' be surprised if they pulled in a bit of profit from it

Also I think that the mega-breweries can hinder that path to trying great and different beers - I remember when I was still at step one - and buying a mega-breweries 'version' of a pilsner. Cant exactly remember the brand, (some sort of red theme branding IIRC) probably only lasted one summer, but it was obviously a horrid example of a pilsner, because I dismissed it as nothing special, i still preffered my Southwark Bitter. This means that Southwark Bitter is better than pilsner - and would have probably dismissed all pilsners in the same way in the future, if I hadnt strayed away from my mega-swilling ways and opened my mind.

becuase thats what step one-ers think like.
I sure as hell know I did.
beer was puzzling to me, becuase Victoria Bitter, Southwark Bitter, Melbourne Bitter, Carlton Draught, West End Draught and Carlton Cold were my choices. And thats was what beer was. Anything other than that wasnt beer. Well wasnt a beer that I was going to drink - becuase I had a pilsner once and it was DISGUSTING.
I like the idea that beer has essential minerals and vitamins. I have been trying to tel SWMBO that for years!
"and healthy plants constituents that are good for our body. But not all beers are good for everyone because each beer has its own brewing process and ingredients. So you have to choose which beers are good for you that may not give you bad experience"

honestly. All we need is a few exclaimation marks and we've got a BJCP certified judge emailing us straight from the Ivory Coast, offering us a special case of COTE DE IVORY IMPERIAL STOUT!!!
I haven't clicked on the link but has anyone else? Did your computer end up with more viruses than George Michael?