Barley Bomber
Never seen an infection like that. Much worse, though. Ask Trent. I think I showed him my Medowie red lambic. About an inch of green bubbles.if its carbed at 3 days and beyond,chill it and drink it Freddy,drink it.
Totally sanitize everything including all your bottles.
i once had acetobacter go through 3 brews about 3/4 years ago due to lax hygeine.
Stopped brewing and cleaned the whole shebang b4 starting over.
Chuck any yeast cultures you suspect, clean,bleach sanitise and steam/boiling water treat every part of your brewery.Spoons, jugs,airlocks ,transfer hoses etc......and then do a simple Pale ale with a dry US56 type yeast to test your rig.If anything is dodgy still it will show up.If all is clear start over again.
brau(I've been there b4)luver.
If it tastes OK, I agree with Bra-luver, drink it as soon as it's carbonated.
Do Not (do I need to repeat it) reculture yeast from this fermentor/batch.
Definitely clean your gear too...anything that may have been involved. You'll thank yourself for it later.
On the other hand, if U like the "funk", leave it in there. Leave the beer to carbonate and check for excessive gas (to pre-empt explosions). If no XS gas, cellar and evaluate every 3 months or so. I've had pleasant surprises from old beer that wasn't worth Jack when it was new/green. In fact, I tasted a Wit tonight that has developed some nice tropical fruit flava, using WLP410 (Wit II), including some Monstera Deliciosa (sp?) flava. Quite nice, from a Wit that's over 12 months old, and still balanced.
Don't give up. Move on - boldly and swiftly. Do an easy APA or English PA to determine if the fermentor can be saved. Make sure that the tap and washer + airlock & grommet, lid & O-ring are clean too. B)
Dr Seth Weiss
BTW, I hope you racked at bottling and left all (repeat, all) the floaties behind. It was the last chance to save the beer, U know. :beerbang:
P.S. Brau...Only if the bra is sheer!
[*Edit: Save the Wheaties*]