The Moment When Every Hbrs Heart Sinks

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if its carbed at 3 days and beyond,chill it and drink it Freddy,drink it.

Totally sanitize everything including all your bottles.

i once had acetobacter go through 3 brews about 3/4 years ago due to lax hygeine.

Stopped brewing and cleaned the whole shebang b4 starting over.

Chuck any yeast cultures you suspect, clean,bleach sanitise and steam/boiling water treat every part of your brewery.Spoons, jugs,airlocks ,transfer hoses etc......and then do a simple Pale ale with a dry US56 type yeast to test your rig.If anything is dodgy still it will show up.If all is clear start over again.

brau(I've been there b4)luver.
Never seen an infection like that. Much worse, though. Ask Trent. I think I showed him my Medowie red lambic. About an inch of green bubbles. ;) Will be ready for racking, at 12 months, in March.

If it tastes OK, I agree with Bra-luver, drink it as soon as it's carbonated.
Do Not (do I need to repeat it) reculture yeast from this fermentor/batch.

Definitely clean your gear too...anything that may have been involved. You'll thank yourself for it later.

On the other hand, if U like the "funk", leave it in there. Leave the beer to carbonate and check for excessive gas (to pre-empt explosions). If no XS gas, cellar and evaluate every 3 months or so. I've had pleasant surprises from old beer that wasn't worth Jack when it was new/green. In fact, I tasted a Wit tonight that has developed some nice tropical fruit flava, using WLP410 (Wit II), including some Monstera Deliciosa (sp?) flava. Quite nice, from a Wit that's over 12 months old, and still balanced.

Don't give up. Move on - boldly and swiftly. Do an easy APA or English PA to determine if the fermentor can be saved. Make sure that the tap and washer + airlock & grommet, lid & O-ring are clean too. B)

Dr Seth Weiss :p

BTW, I hope you racked at bottling and left all (repeat, all) the floaties behind. It was the last chance to save the beer, U know. :beerbang:
P.S. Brau...Only if the bra is sheer!
[*Edit: Save the Wheaties*]
:D well steve, that is quite the visual feast you have there, i am extremely jealous.. :p
my pond scum is much less photogenic..

I have had a couple of brews with the same white film. Usually happens towards the end of the second week when it starts to oxidise. If left, it makes your beer trully fowl and leaves the worst taste you have ever had in your mouth
I remember reading somewhere that cutting the mould off of cheese is a no-no because the mould has contaminated the entire brick.

I know what you mean. I found some mould on my King Island Blue cheese block and when I tried to cut it was all through it!!!! :D
I know what you mean. I found some mould on my King Island Blue cheese block and when I tried to cut it was all through it!!!! :D


For the hell of it I bought some blue cheese, just to try it. I had no idea what to expect. My wife almost pissed her pants laughing at my reaction to it. It went into my mouth and just as quickly came back out. I went through quite a lot of mouthwash trying to get rid of the taste.

Acquired taste I suppose. Sort of like lambics. :blink:

I have had a couple of brews with the same white film. Usually happens towards the end of the second week when it starts to oxidise. If left, it makes your beer trully fowl and leaves the worst taste you have ever had in your mouth
spot on ducati boy!! it appeared near the end of week 2 and had a vile acidic, drunks-vomit taste to it. my friend was cracking up when i tasted it. he couldnt belive i just drank something that looked and smelt so freakin bad!!! my first ever infection, i poured it all out, then the fermenter got 2 weeks soaking in betadine and 2 days with bleach for luck...

ps just picked up a near unused 2005 suzuki gsxr750.. looks like the mould and bacteria will have to get their sustenance from elsewhere for a while. Ill be ridiN!!!!!
my first ever infection, i poured it all out, then the fermenter got 2 weeks soaking in betadine and 2 days with bleach for luck...

Don't trust a two week soak in betadine, it is used as a no rinse sanitiser, not a cleaner. Do a clean and soak with either unscented bleach, napisan or sodium hydroxide. DO NOT USE A COMBINATION OF THESE. USE ONE ONLY. You can leave it soaking for a few days with either of these. If you use sodium hydroxide follow all safety directions. One splash in the eye and it could be destroyed. Then rinse thoroughly and air dry. Just before you use it next, then use betadine as a no rinse sanitiser. If your sanitiser is old, or you have it sitting made up in a spray bottle, get rid of it and buy a different product. 200 brews, could be time for a nice new fermenter.

It is absolutely amazing what bugs can grow where. I know of a 2V battery that has obvious algea growing in it. You can see the green growing through the plastic case. People who drive diesel vehicles will tell you about the jelly that grows in diesel fuel. So keep everything clean and dry, just before you use a brew item is when you sanitise it with a known fresh product. Betdaine is so cheap, make some up, use it then dispose of it.

ps just picked up a near unused 2005 suzuki gsxr750.. looks like the mould and bacteria will have to get their sustenance from elsewhere for a while. Ill be ridiN!!!!!

Have fun on the bike.

For the hell of it I bought some blue cheese, just to try it. I had no idea what to expect. My wife almost pissed her pants laughing at my reaction to it. It went into my mouth and just as quickly came back out. I went through quite a lot of mouthwash trying to get rid of the taste.

Acquired taste I suppose. Sort of like lambics

Yeap. Also as you age your taste buds seem to cope better with the stronger flavours. Before launching into a full blown stilton, try edging towards it by eating camembert, brie, gorgonzola, cambazola. Make sure the cheese is fresh. The best place is to buy it from a specialty cheese shop where they cut a fresh wedge from a wheel. Some of those big blue vein cheese smell like spew.
Time to get the safety gear on & bomb the fermenter + acc. with Caustic Soda.
I would not have bottled or kegged such a beast. Certainly would not pass it around.
Good luck!

Well....shes a gusher. Opened a room temp stubby this morning....whoooosh! Still tasted ok though. Put a couple of longnecks in the fridge for tonight for a test. But im thinking im going to be cleaning 28 longnecks tonight. Ah well. **** happens.
I know of a 2V battery that has obvious algea growing in it. You can see the green growing through the plastic case.

Sorry to be a smartarse POL...but I can't help it :ph34r:

That green stuff is not algea, it's Copper Oxide, from the battery corroding ;)

Copper? Didn't think there was any copper in a lead acid cell. Lead, sulphuric acid, lead oxide and lead sulphate.
There is copper under the chrome plating which gets attacked by acid when they leak :)
Just about to rack my 3068 Wheat from primary to the bulk priming fermenter ready to bottle. I open the lid of primary and there it is.....the moment when your hearts sinks :(

I bottled anyway, it smelt beautiful and tasted even better. Will have to keep my eye on this one. Just had to share my afternoons disappointment.

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I wish mine had breasts too! Tastes awesome, smells 3/4 will bottle and cross fingers....

Shame you don't have the fridge running yet Steve.

If the taste and smell were ok you could have kegged, chilled, carbed and drunk it before the infection fully took over :(

well...after much sampling by myself and Col from my LHBS :chug: this brew isnt infected at all. Its a bloody beautiful wheat beer - cheerin! Only comment is its not as bugglegummy and bananery as the hydrometer taste tests.