Hop to it
getting out of the kitchen and into the shed was the best thing I ever did for my brewing... and marrige relationship wifes attitude toward my brewing obsession
you can't blame them directly, it's in their genetic makeup to dislike the smell of something that gives a man pleasure, apparently that's why they close their eyes during sex, can't stand to see a bloke enjoying himself :icon_cheers:
I brew at work.
my mum doesn't like the mash but the girlfriend likes the mash and the boil smells. downer is she can drink beer like its water (faster than me in most cases) so i have to try and keep her away.
funny thing about the meth lab comment... the neighbor noticed me draining a whole lot of water at the side of the house and then preceded to leave a fact sheet about the legality of growing marijuana in Australia... i must have a sweet hydroponics setup i don't know about... fark he's a cnut!