The GoldCLUB Casual Meeting - Friday 10th May

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Gold Coast,QLD

RELAX!! DON'T STRESS!! This month is a casual meeting, full social...bring along a couple of homebrews, some nibblies have a chat/laugh/share some knowledge.

This would also be a good meeting to bring along a mate who is "into" beer but still thinks homebrew is that terrible stuff that the bogan down the road used to make in the 80s

We are also bringing along a couple of capsules from the tainting kit to try as well which should be fun/educational for everyone!

Date - 10th May

Same GoldCLUB Place - Burleigh Brewing Company

Same GoldCLUB Time - 6:00pm

GoldCLUB Facebook Page

Facebook Event
Yahooo! The randomly chosen beer taints should give some flavour to the hopefully donated pitchers of Big Head right! huzzah!
See all you GoldCLUB legends there!
hehhe not only taint. A taint we don't know the name of. Makes it seem way more illicit ;)
Meeting tonight people!!! Be there or be square (or just be too far away to come :lol: )

I'm also bringing along a couple of saisons I got yesterday, a belgium one and an aussie one, to share around :D