
Yes we are late to the party with Easter but we thought this month would be a good challange for people, what do you think of when you combine Easter and beer? Chocolate beer? Super Hoppy Beer? (bad beer joke I know) Carrot beer? (thats been done right??)
This night will be about pushing yourself as a brewer and taking specility ingrediants to a new level but also while keeping it too style. Bring along a couple to share around, if we get enough of them we may even make it a mini comp but depends on numbers.
Fees are to be paid at the start of the night and your full name and email address given.
Fees will change quarterly to cater for people who join/come later in the year do not have to pay for time they are not there.
Fee structure is as followed:
Free of charge (1 meeting max)
Casual members
Gold Coin donation (2 meetings max)
Full members
January to March - $50
April to June - $38
July to September - $25
October to December - $13
*NOTE* Fee covers member until the end of that year (December)
Date - 9th of March
GoldCLUB Place - 2 Ern Harley Drive Burleigh Heads
Same GoldCLUB Time - 6:00pm till 8pm
GoldCLUB Facebook Page
GoldCLUB Facebook Event