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Imported Seattle Drunk
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I'm just curious if anyone ever ordered beer from I ordered something a while ago and haven't heard a peep from them. No answer and no replies. Aceland Cellars in Carlisle sure was quick to charge my credit card. Are they a legit online beer store or did I step in it?
They are the same as Acland st Cellars. Give them a call. They are a little dodgy, but not take your money and then disappear dodgy...
i ordered online from them once and while they took my money straight away i didnt recieve my goods, apparantly because what i ordered was out of stock and instead of informing me they decided they would just wait for new stock that didnt arrive and only after two months did i get my money back and had to go instore to get it. that being said for walk in sales i find the staff help full and good to talk to as well as a pretty good range. its a pity bout the online store though i will never order online from them again.
I bought 3 bottles of Baltic Porter from them (beerstore) (I think - are they in Adelaide?) and they arrived within a week.
I bought a carton of Chimay from Ackland Cellars and they arrived eventually - after several phone calls. The first call they told me they had been sent and should arrive in next couple of days. Subsequent calls I was informed they were out of stock... Took almost a month for my beer to arrive.
Ah... Looks like I stepped in it. They have a pretty website and all, but sounds like they're a bit lax on updates and customer service. Guessing I wont see my product or $ any time soon since I doubtfully will be in St Kilda any time soon to get a refund. I'lll try calling them again a couple more times. If I get nowhere, I could file a fraud report with VISA I guess....
I bought 3 bottles of Baltic Porter from them (beerstore) (I think - are they in Adelaide?) and they arrived within a week.
I bought a carton of Chimay from Ackland Cellars and they arrived eventually - after several phone calls. The first call they told me they had been sent and should arrive in next couple of days. Subsequent calls I was informed they were out of stock... Took almost a month for my beer to arrive.
Adelaide Bier Shop is in Adelaide, Beer Store is Victorian by the looks of the phone number on the website mind you they don't give a physical address, I wonder why????
I ordered a couple 6 packs from them last week and it arrived hassle-free within a few days. I do live in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne though. I just couldn't be f'd going down to St Kilda to check it out in person.

From the sounds of things, it might be best to email or call and check if they have the things you want in stock. Maybe I just got lucky?

PurvisBeer and Purvis Cellars are where I generally go for my speciality beers. I've never ordered from them online but they have a great range and nice staff in store. No affiliation.
Adelaide Bier Shop is in Adelaide, Beer Store is Victorian by the looks of the phone number on the website mind you they don't give a physical address, I wonder why????

Yep. That was it. Wouldn't hesitate to use them again. :)
Ah... Looks like I stepped in it. They have a pretty website and all, but sounds like they're a bit lax on updates and customer service. Guessing I wont see my product or $ any time soon since I doubtfully will be in St Kilda any time soon to get a refund. I'lll try calling them again a couple more times. If I get nowhere, I could file a fraud report with VISA I guess....

i made a purchase a while back and had same trouble. I had to keep calling them to prompt them about my order and it DID arrive at my door eventually.

Just keep calling them mate they are slack !
I'll keep ringing them every day... the website number and the store number... until I get satisfaction.
+1 on their slackness,took 2 months to receive my order,they never replied to my emails until I said I would report them that took about 1 month and their excuse was a couple of bottles were out of stock and were waiting for a shipment to arive,********* customer service,never again although went into their shop the other week and their staff were super helpfull/friendly pity about their online store though :angry:
Nearly 3 months to get my order from them a few years ago, only after about 20+ emails and many many phone calls. Won't be using them again.

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