That Special Feeling You Get...

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Just a quick update,

Are you guys familiar with that marvellous crunching sound you hear when you're on a quick nighttime journey and you step on a cube tap?
Crunching followed by a splashing noise ? Or was the tap removed from said cube at the time ?
...way down the cockles of our hearts, maybe even below the cockles, maybe in the sub-cockle area, maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys, maybe even, in the colon, we don't know.

ohhhh i'm just a regular joe, with a regular job ......

sorry, it's the first thing i thought of when i sore the title of the thread
...way down the cockles of our hearts, maybe even below the cockles, maybe in the sub-cockle area, maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys, maybe even, in the colon, we don't know.

ohhhh i'm just a regular joe, with a regular job ......
sorry, it's the first thing i thought of when i sore the title of the thread
.......maybe I shouldnt be singing this song, ranting and raving and carrying on....

oops back on topic. that special ffeling you get when...... youve had a massive night, are hungover, get up and realise you have to bottle a heap of beer and brew another batch. confronting that senario is priceless.
Yes, but it was a fermenter tap. The nice new fermenter, not the old, due to be replaced one next to it. :angry:
I didn't break the tap but split the fermenter body round the tap.
I couldn't seal it up so; drip, drip, drip while I raced to the HBS for a new one. Didn't lose that much luckily.

Ever since then I always leave fementers, etc with the tap turned away so that (hopefully) won't happen again.


I suspect you have found a novel way to drive out entrained CO2. B)

Warren -
That Special feeling you get when.........

Your mate dont like your favourite beer but does like the one that is not so flash .

Hahaha how true is that one :) My mate comes over and won't touch my "banana flavoured ****" (a real nice Schneider Weisse clone) but grapples for the K&K Lager I brewed just for him :D
hey - mates drinking the dregs is an important part of my turn over - it frees up bottles so better beer can be put back in its place!
Just a quick update,

Are you guys familiar with that marvellous crunching sound you hear when you're on a quick nighttime journey and you step on a cube tap?

always keep a straw handy...
sponging mates are a sore point with me. i might start brewing K&Ks again just for them.
I'll always offer a fellow brewer the best i have, but the leechers that arrive empty handed, or even worse, with empty coke bottles... Grrrr :angry:
, or even worse, with empty coke bottles... Grrrr :angry:

haha another friend once called up and said he wanted to borrow a software disk.
10 minutes later I opened the door and he is standing there with an empty beer jug ready to take some back home with him!

Back on topic,

Don't you love that special feeling you get...

When you start to drop your strike water into your tun go away for a couple of minutes and return to find your Boiler filling up with slightly milky water :)
... well my special feeling story was when my mother rings up to tell me the fridge shelf that I had been using to lager my beer on at their place had collapsed with 1/3 less bottles in tact .

Guess that will teach me for sponging off someone else for fridge space.

The happy ending was that this beer went on to win BOS at Vicbrew. :)
Another reason for me to migrate from glass carboys as secondarys/cc'ers!! I have TWICE had to spend hours cleaning up broken glass shards and 20 litres of beer!!!!

But I suppose two accidents in over seven years since starting brewing again is not too bad........
The feeling of disbelief and dismay when sticky feet alert you to the bottom tap being left open when racking to secondary. :angry: HTF does that happen - I'm sure I checked the tap. Now there's four liters or so of ESB to remove from the patio before SWMBO discovers it.

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