Sugar in IIPA, to invert or not to invert?

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Mayor of Pooptown
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G'day lads
So a few weeks ago I brewed & cubed a IIPA with a target OG of 1.087
The malt bill was 3.6kg each of Maris Otter and BB Pale Malt, I'm using 1kg of sugar to get the rest of the way
My question is, should I be inverting the sugar before adding and should I wait a day or 2 after active fermentation kicks off to add it, possibly in 2 stages?
The only other time (other than back when I did K&K many moons ago) I've used this much sugar was with 1kg of home made candi sugar, and I just dropped that in to the kettle
Any help would be very greatly appreciated
How are you planning on inverting?
Also any reason you can't use glucose and just not worry?

My experience of adding large amounts of sugar post ferment is with big Belgians - I always add in several stages (usually around 250g every few days). Have added all at once before and ended up with too much hot alc.
If you have active yeast present there is no need to invert the sugar: S cerevisiae has an obligate extracellular invertase so it will be done for you.

The usual routine is not to make large adds of simple sugars until the yeast has had a chance to chew through the more complex sugars: glucose in paticular suppresses the expression of the enzymes required to use these more complex sugars.
I was planning on just boiling the sugar with a little water and citric sugar
Plus this gives the bonus that it'll be a syrup and will mix much easier without having to stir the shit out of the beer in introduce oxygen
I'm not sure that will be enough to invert it but certainly adding syrup/liquid is how I prefer to do it.
Everything I've ever read has said that's enough to do it, I'd love to know otherwise though to make sure I'm not doing it wrong
You're right. I was thinking of something else. Just needs to be hot enough and the right amount of acid.
I discovered today that there is a shop in town now stocking Morgans brewing gear
So I'll go 500g DME and 500g invert syrup

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