Stupid Things You've Done While Brewing

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had my worst mistake the other day.was preparing a keg for my american wheat when i hooked up the gas to the keg i wanted to purge got distracted by the kids then came back and turned the tap on. after a couplke of litres of what ithought was idophor flowed out i smell beer. check the bucket and sure enough ive forgoton to put the beer side on the keg and was pouring out my looked like 3-4 litres gone so i was certainly not happy.ive never left the cube or fermenter tap open before but have now copped my own unique way of wasting my precious beer,must remember to pay more attention next time.
capping the beer i was drinking while bottling a brew,i seem to do this on a regular basis,so learner am i.............cheers....spog......
BEERHOG, did you really waste the saison? Surely you drank it from the bucket or at least from a glass filled from the bucket. 3-4 litres of saison would have been a nice afternoon.
I think I've had the worst brew day....

I ran our of beer to drink whilst brewing!!!

I still have nightmares about it


The biggest mistake Ive made when brewing is, I invited Thunnus and QldKev around and there went all my beer. :huh:

capping the beer i was drinking while bottling a brew,i seem to do this on a regular basis,so learner am i.............cheers....spog......

I knew there was a reason I drink from a glass.
dunno if this counts but as a noob I put my first brew in on the first day of a Melbourne heat wave in a north facing room with no temp control.. :icon_vomit:

I still drank most of it.. was just over a very long period of time... about 10 months before I shared a glass of #1 with anyone I think.... I did learn a very quick lesson in temp control though so Im happy with that as an outcome.. :p

no horrific wounds as yet and Ive only nearly ran out of beer on brew day, but I can see how that would cause bad dreams...

1) left tap on while take off a caplock to kettle/mlt/hlt done it to all at one stage.
2) in early days had a gravity system, Knocked my HLT (urn) off top stand hot water went everywhere, knocked beer over but glass didn't break continued to refill.. crisis over.
3) put burner in a wind tunnel.. keeping a rolling boil was fun
4) dry hopped wrong keg
5) tipped two kegs because i thought the best was off, tasted a beer with the hops i used and realised i didn't like them.
6) trying to figure out why my pump wouldn't work, after 5mins realised my tap was turned off.
My second AG brew, picked up a 100C boiler and burnt my calf muscle... not happy, took almost 6 weeks to heal.

BEERHOG, did you really waste the saison? Surely you drank it from the bucket or at least from a glass filled from the bucket. 3-4 litres of saison would have been a nice afternoon.

unfortunatly yes, i was pouring into a grubby bucket from the shed and it looked rather average when i poured it out onto the lawn.i did have a couple of pints of said saison to help drown my sorrows of such a tragic loss though.
My second AG brew, picked up a 100C boiler and burnt my calf muscle... not happy, took almost 6 weeks to heal.

Thanks for the reminder mate, but check the previous page. You have shown us this before. It's a good thing to see this stuff, er not that I'd wish it apon anybody, ever, but we can all learn to take a bit more care.