Stupid Things You've Done While Brewing

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Not strictly "while brewing", but was cleaning some bottles prior to a bottling session, enjoying a beer, and some peace and quiet in the man-cave.

I had previously mixed up some Starsan into a couple of bottles and was using this to sterilise. Took a big swig of my beer, but without really looking at which bottle I was drinking out of...

Needless to say, Starsan does not taste as good as an APA.
The dumbest thing I have ever done while brewing was having Fents and a couple dozen other guys around to my house for the day/night... :p :p

easy there! i got told that was THE BEST beer you've ever made :p still waiting on the spa country brew day....?

You dopey ******* :)... hope you didn't get hurt badly.

dope/y is correct! :lol: it was nearly "hospital" bad, well in the missus's opion anyway, i just kept drinking to numb it all out.
You guys are idiots :lol:

....I do have my own contributions:

- tipping bright ale down the sink. Thought it was off. Turns out i just forgot what BSaaz tastes like (bought a real bright ale later to compare)
- putting in 1TBSP salt instead of a tsp salt. Another sink pourer.
- dropping a bottle which exploded, cut my arm and resulted in 4 stitches
- ordered 1kg willamette instead of 100g
- tripped over my burner while carrying 40L hot wort. Luckily managed to only stub my toe and land the wort safely.

Am sure there are more but that's what came to mind straight away.
The dumbest thing I have ever done while brewing was having Fents and a couple dozen other guys around to my house for the day/night... :p :p
that was a great caseswap brewday. saw my first AG/BIAB in action and cemented my desire to go AG. but yeah it was messy.

editL i think the dumb part of that day was hitting the beer so early in the day and not brewing until later.
easy there! i got told that was THE BEST beer you've ever made :p still waiting on the spa country brew day....?

...when life becomes less absurd and brewery is finished and agriculture is under control and... *groan*
First AG, 100 degree burn to my calf muscle. The photo was taken 5 days after the incident.... enough said.

When I first started AG I used an immersion heater to boil with. I was bringing a batch to boil one day when it started to boil over. **** I pulled the immersion heater out which immediately started to seriously smoke (with all the wort sugar on it) and turned red then black. **** I threw it back into the wort which caused the wort to go ballistic and boil over everywhere. I finally thought it would be a good idea to turn the power off to stop it.

Went out and bought a gas burner after that. Had to throw the beer out too.
I had previously mixed up some Starsan into a couple of bottles and was using this to sterilise. Took a big swig of my beer, but without really looking at which bottle I was drinking out of...

Needless to say, Starsan does not taste as good as an APA.

LOL. A nice clean finish though I'm guessing? I've done something similar on brew day - drunk my yeast starter :icon_cheers:

The number of burns on this thread is alarming but not totally surprising, might be time to upgrade my tinfoil hat into a full suit. :ph34r:
I think I've had the worst brew day....

I ran our of beer to drink whilst brewing!!!

I still have nightmares about it

Doing my second AG BIAB I invited QLDKev over and he drank all of my Beer ! :chug:
The biggest screw up ive had besides usually burning myself in some way shape or form every brewday was attempting to dump a flavour addition into the boil. I usually find a few of the hops stick to the container so with a quick hoik out of the container i shook them towards the kettle. I ended up missing the kettle and threw the whole 20 odd grams of hops all over my parents garage floor :p
Dumbest thing?
Answer the phone at 80 and rising... lucky I sit the gear on concrete, not carpet...
Cleaning up during the boil ( so garage floor was wet ) and embarrassingly i was wearing crocs , I was taking out my SS mash tun to clean it and i went A over T thanks to those slippery bastards of things and landed on my back right next to the screaming NASA burner, could've ended a lot worse so no more crocs on brewday for this little black duck f..ckin things.
just the other day i filled the mash tun with 75+c strike water. started stirring it to knock some heat out of it as i only needed 72c and then it hit me...realised i'd left the beerbelly false bottom off the esky. no worries i said to old mate i'll just go get the missus's rubber dishwashing gloves.

whack them on and submerge my hand in and get the falsie on and do up three turns of the wing.butterfly nut...ohhh thats a bit hot i said, take my hand out and try more turn ohhhhh **** me thats really more turn just for good measure.....AHHHHHHHHH F%CK SH%%T bloody hell im dancing round like a broken idiot...

old mate races over and rips the glove off my hand and my index finger is scorched red raw. got some frozen peas onto it and upon inspection of the glove there was a tiny split in the index finger! swelled up and i had this massive blister/welt for two weeks. the skin is still peeling now.

Just pulled the photo's off my phone -

looked heaps worse i swear....

Attaching the hose to the pot instead of the chiller and blowing tap water through to the wort and blowing my pick up tube off! That was a fun day! Munich Dunkle turned out okay.

A coulpe of woopsies,

Two full fermenters in brew fridge, went to dry hop a pilsener and instead dry hopped the ginger ale. Result it's more than a tad bitter. :huh:

Drinkin too much whilst brewing oand on making the second extract for the day, completely forgot to add the can of liquid malt. found it four days later, chucxked it in and brew is now kegged seemed to ferment out ok as well as taste ok from the fermenter when kegging.