Strange Smells When Cleaning Fermenter

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Cleaned out the fermenter last weekend after doing a twocan stout.
An unpleasant aroma was wafting around as I was hosing it out... kinda remeniscent of steamy dog turds.

I'm not too sure what breed of dog, but as we don't have one, but I checked my shoes a few times. Failing to find any puppy grogans there, all I can do is hope the neighbour's dog way up the back has been fed dodgy vindaloo leftovers and had explosive dihorea.

Has anyone else experienced this? I'd much rather the smell of beer be floating around than this!!!
Needless to say, I'm glad I cleaned it outside down the stormwater drain, as SWMBO is a lot more dangerous than the EPA! :ph34r:
View attachment 11604
Cleaned out the fermenter last weekend after doing a twocan stout.
An unpleasant aroma was wafting around as I was hosing it out... kinda remeniscent of steamy dog turds.

I'm not too sure what breed of dog, but as we don't have one, but I checked my shoes a few times. Failing to find any puppy grogans there, all I can do is hope the neighbour's dog way up the back has been fed dodgy vindaloo leftovers and had explosive dihorea.

Has anyone else experienced this? I'd much rather the smell of beer be floating around than this!!!
Needless to say, I'm glad I cleaned it outside down the stormwater drain, as SWMBO is a lot more dangerous than the EPA! :ph34r:

Dont worry about the smell, if you just bottled a brew, and now cleaning your fermenter, after that their will be a smell, Just use a good cleaner and steriliser and your off..... do a search for sanitisation you will get alot of info about different cleaners you can use.
cleaned out both fermenters again after bottling. As I'm hosing out the barrels, out comes the smell of dogsh1t.
I tasted the stout while bottling and it tasted okay... the smell just came from the fermenter

We'll see in two weeks time when I crack the first stubbie of Puppy Grogan Stout
Dont eat beans before cleaning the fermenter...:p

*mental note...blame the fermenter for all smells in the house
Come to think of it, I did have baked beans on toast for dinner.
Dont eat beans before cleaning the fermenter...:p

*mental note...blame the fermenter for all smells in the house

:beer: Ya bl**dy lunatic.......

Has anyone been able to remove the beer smells from the fermenter?

Last time i cleaned my fermentor I tipped in a litre of bleach and left it in overnight. After rinsing it REALLY thoroughly (like 10 times!) the fermenter still smelled like beer.

I'm hoping to make an alcoholic lemonade for the missus after my current brew and am worried that the smell may taint the lemonade.

I was thinking of using baking soda to soak up the smells.... Any one got a better idea?
I have been put on to plain nappy cleaner for people on this site. I have just started using it you could try that.
Some strains of yeast do leave a stinky odour. Coopers kit yeast springs to mind as does K-97. Particularly if the yeast has had a hard time in fermentation (such as fermenting a big beer). If the beer is OK, don't worry about it, but consider aerating more on the next batch and/or pitching lots more yeast.

Fermenters will always have a beery smell as plastic is permeable. A 24 hour soaking with two lidsful of Napisan works wonders at reducing the smell.
I'm hoping to make an alcoholic lemonade for the missus after my current brew and am worried that the smell may taint the lemonade.

I was thinking of using baking soda to soak up the smells.... Any one got a better idea?
I actually have the other problem with really strong ginger smells whenever I make a ginger beer. It's nearly impossible to get out other than soaking it for days in napisan. The first time I had this problem, I just ignored it and thought that it couldn't affect the beer but boy was I wrong! :( Ended up with a gingery Coopers Pale Ale which turned out to be...really nice on a hot summers day :D

I've never been game enough to do it again though so I got a separate fermenter for my GBs now.
uh-oh..... I've got Ginger Beer going at the moment.... how do you think the ginger would go with a stout?
uh-oh..... I've got Ginger Beer going at the moment.... how do you think the ginger would go with a stout?
Probably be pretty good actually. Mmmm... <_< might have to put the other fermenter away for a while.