storing wort

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My ferment fridge is full. I have a busy time ahead. I figured I might get some wort ready with biab and store it for a week until I have room to ferment it. I have just put it into a sanitized Gerry can as full as I could. Small amount of air. Put it in straight after the boil and chilled it in there. Any thing I need to do or watch out for? I was as through as I could with sanitization.
As long as everything is sanitised and you get get as much air out as possible it should be fine.

No different to a fresh wort kit
Just while I am on the topic, under normal home brewer sanatizing practices/ methods, if stored at say, 20 -25 deg and in the dark, what sort of storage time should I get? A few weeks? I realise that under commercial operations, it will last ages before it goes stale. How long do they put on the fresh wort kits?
Sometimes I get both days off on the weekend and it is a good chance to do the time consuming bit. Then on a normal one day weekend, all I have to do is ferment or bottle.
I brewed a Russian Imperial stout in Queensland in October 2011 and got round to fermenting it (in NSW) around Easter this year. Got marked well in the NSW competition and it's in a keg for next year as well.
For a year the cube was used for a doorstop for a roller door, then for the support for the end of a shelf in the garage.

As posted above it's in the same category as craft marmalade or chutney.
Apparently light strike only affects the fermented beer.
Light strike is the result of a reaction between sunlight and riboflavin, so will only occur in products which have been fermented with yeast or other riboflavin-producing microbes.

Edit: Unfermented wort in a cube will be fine.
What about cubed hopped wort with s significant amount of hops? I'd think that sunlight would affect them, I keep cubes under cover and away from direct light... Just to be sure.,
Light strike occurs with a reaction of light and certain hop components. 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol is formed with gives a skuny aroms. So I'd assume it ocurs in both wort and beer.
What about storing wort which was 'chilled' after the boil, in a sanitized cube, same same???

A week in a cube sitting around 30 degree's in my shed OK-ish, i realize it probably not ideal, but is it down right outrageous.
no if you chill pitch some yeast asap.