I am putting together a 3V system (70L HLT, 50L MT and a 70L K) and have read somewhere that others use a stirplate (?) in the HLT for consistant heat distribution (that I can't seem to find). Is it recomended and if so I was looking at a microwave turntable motor that runs at 8rpm or this one at 10-12rpm. It should fit on the lid of the HLT. It is very little cost to the rest of the brewery price.
Be gentle on me if I'm off track
Whilst your terminology of using a "stirplate" is incorrect, you're description of basically how to construct something is quite accurate. Stirplates are used for yeast propogation purposes, not stirring a HLT. You can put a motor or something in the lid of the HLT to stir it to create more constant water temp throughout the tun if you like, plenty of people do it.
Do you have a mash paddle, I just manually give it a quick stir 5mins before you are ready to use it.
I used to do this too. Works well.
OP, you'd be surprised how much temp variation you can get throughout the HLT without stirring it, but i assume you already know that if you're inquiring about stirring it.
I know we don't cover the boil but is it alright to keep Water Tun covered?
Perfectly fine to cover your HLT. In fact, you probably should keep it covered, for quicker heating times.
Back to the OP, another way to stir your HLT, and it's what i do, is grab a little brown pump, some hose and clamps/fittings and hook it up to your outlet valve/tap, and return it to the top or in the side of your HLT. The little brown pump does a good job of recirculating water, and since doing this i've done away with stirring the pot manually.
Set and forget option, works well, is quite cheap, and it's an almost off the shelf solution that can also be repurposed for other brewing tasks later.