Still Worried About First Brew

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my brew is now 10 days brewing at 16-18c and there seems to be nothing happening my airlock has not worked yet but people have said not to worry just shi%ing ive wreck the brew by being too inconsistent in temp because the brew is up to 18-20c in the day then drops sometimes to 16-18c but it mainly sits at 18c
the brew is a coopers lager and i think its a ale yeast as a standard coopres can mix
have you seen any signs of activity ie the foam on the top? also have you been taking readings with your hydrometer if so are they decreasing
Have you taken gravity readings?
are they falling?
Is there foam on top of the brew?

your lid might not be on quite tight enough
i have also read a few people have had troube with there first brew sealing well.
as long as gravity readings are falling and there are the signs of fermentation its all fine. its probably ready after 10 days considering its the ale yeast.
sometimes the bottomshaft of the airlock needs the sharp edge taken off, it might create an gap in the grommet, just use a small knife to take off the excess ! good luck. :beer:
Take a gravity reading, watch the video that comes with it....
Some brews you'll see airlock activity, some none. It's nothing to judge whether your brew is fermenting.
As everyone else has said, take gravity readings. (and taste it of course... it's interesting to see how it develops, all for scientific reasons of course!)

I wouldn't worry too much about the temp too. 18c average is pretty good IMO.
Hope it works out.
my brew is now 10 days brewing at 16-18c and there seems to be nothing happening my airlock has not worked yet but people have said not to worry just shi%ing ive wreck the brew by being too inconsistent in temp because the brew is up to 18-20c in the day then drops sometimes to 16-18c but it mainly sits at 18c
the brew is a coopers lager and i think its a ale yeast as a standard coopres can mix

like the others have said, check the gravity,

But also i wouldn't worry about the time frame, that the beer has been fermenting for, My last brew took 3 weeks to ferment out, so it is not uncommon for it be take a while

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