Ss Hosing - Problems?

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Has anyone come accross a problem when using a SS hosing in the bottom of their pash tun? I have been using mine for about 1.5 years now with no real dramas but now it seems either the whole are not big enough
or something is jammed in there (I did chean and check though) but the wort does not seem to drain as well as it used to.

Even now I just have water (no grain) and it is only coming out very slowly.

Any tips to fix this?

Seriously Slugger. Have you tried maybe taking the hose out soaking it in some hot water and Napisan. May just be some dried malt sugars or grain bits in there somewhere? :unsure:

If in doubt just toss it and make another. (Or buy a false bottom, preferred. :) )

Warren -
Sounds dumb but check your tap (and t piece)..... Nothing like a ball of snot in there to slow thing up, particularly if it's a necked down small bore job. All it takes is an edge to start gathering crud and it may build up. Unlikely but possible.

Do you backflush the whole lot when cleaning or just fill it with water and let it drain??

Thanks Borret, I already check the tap, with the hose off it runs nicely.

ALSO I tried running water though the tap into the keg but still no luck.

Am soaking it now in nappysan but I'm not too sure if this is going to work.

I think it's to do with the holes in the SS braid.
There's always the pressure cleaner........
Thanks Borret, I already check the tap, with the hose off it runs nicely.

ALSO I tried running water though the tap into the keg but still no luck.

Am soaking it now in nappysan but I'm not too sure if this is going to work.

I think it's to do with the holes in the SS braid.

Your braid might have collapsed a bit - either replace it, squeeze it so it's shorter to re-open the holes a bit, put a spring made of some ss wire inside and open it up, or take it off and rip out a few strands that make the mesh up using a pair of needlenose pliers.

Easiest option is to replace it - they don't cost much :)
There's always the pressure cleaner........

Would it work on... these? :blink:

Warren -

i reckon DJR is on the money, i think it may be stretched and the mesh has tightened and restricted the flow, to save dicking about i would get a 600mm length and fit it to a 'T' piece of copper pipe($1.50 at Bunnings) to form a circular manifold.

i reckon DJR is on the money, i think it may be stretched and the mesh has tightened and restricted the flow, to save dicking about i would get a 600mm length and fit it to a 'T' piece of copper pipe($1.50 at Bunnings) to form a circular manifold.


Precisely my setup. If only it wasn't in a rectangular esky :blink:

Seems to drain well enough though...
Slugger what a timely post. Mine is performing exactly to your description. I dont feel like replacing this item every 10 brews so I am now waiting for a fale bottom from G and G to arrive :D

Cheers, Jj
Slugger what a timely post. Mine is performing exactly to your description. I dont feel like replacing this item every 10 brews so I am now waiting for a fale bottom from G and G to arrive :D

Cheers, Jj

Nice one Jimmy, looks like I will be doing the same thing. The false bottom from G & G, does that suit kegs and do the different type of kegs matter? If you know that is.

let me know how you go with the new false bottom when it arrives.

Oh yeah, what did postage hit you up with?
The false bottom from G & G, does that suit kegs and do the different type of kegs matter? If you know that is.

I think that others here on the forum have used this item for SS kegs but I am no expert on this. This post cost me 9.oo dollars but then i am impatient moron when it comes to new brew gear :rolleyes: It still hasnt arrived so i am a little bummed as I was going to use it this week end.

Cheers, JJ

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