Spill Disaster

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Whilst not in the same league as the Exxon Valdez, I had a spill disaster last night.
Had a mate over after watching my 11 yo son play his 1st night game of footy and were jut settling in and on our 3rd glass of a new batch. Went back to the fridge to refill and found that the carpet was a bit soggy, opened the fridge and found the very last drops of the keg was pouring out the floor of the fridge.
it seems that when I'd poured the last ones and put the pluto back on top of the keg, the excess line must have pushed on the gun when the fridge door was closed and emptied the contents.
20 towels later (and that was just to wipe away the tears) and I'm not too popular with the Dragon.
I am now officially on suicide watch.
Thats the sort of thing that would happen to me , it gives me hope when it happens to others

Better get those taps on the outside of the fridge Dave


Thats the sort of thing that would happen to me , it gives me hope when it happens to others

Better get those taps on the outside of the fridge Dave

The worse thing is that I bought a new fridge when I first setup with an outside tap and drip tray and was in 7th heaven, however the fridge packed it in and couldn't be repaired under warranty because of all the holes I'd drilled into it. I've been too busy (or slack) to get someone in to look at it.
But I've now learnt my lesson and will have to be more careful in future.
I recently lost about 16L of an APA into the keggerator. First kegs in new setup, two beers that were drinkable, and this beautiful APA.
What happened.....I take the liquid disconnects off after use to (ironically) stop my little kids playing with the taps and emptying a keg.
Seems the poppet failed and the whole contects of the keg emtpied out the out post. What was strange was that I had been doing this for over a week, before the thing failed.
So yes Davewalk, I feel your pain!
I recently lost about 16L of an APA into the keggerator. First kegs in new setup, two beers that were drinkable, and this beautiful APA.
What happened.....I take the liquid disconnects off after use to (ironically) stop my little kids playing with the taps and emptying a keg.
Seems the poppet failed and the whole contects of the keg emtpied out the out post. What was strange was that I had been doing this for over a week, before the thing failed.
So yes Davewalk, I feel your pain!

It's such a tragedy, isn't it. Thankfully I had a standby keg of Coopers Stout to help ease the pain.
I had a similar thing happen yesterday. I just kegged a new brew and took the disconnects off one keg so I could carb the new one, wound the gas up and walked away. I walked into the garage a couple of hours later to get something else and notice beer all under the fridge. I thought perhaps I'd knocked the tap on earlier but it seems that the beer out post of the previous keg had become unscrewed a little and beer was slowly seeping out all over the fridge and onto the floor. 1 hour of mopping and fridge cleaning later and I estimated that I'd lost about 4-5 glasses worth. :(

The leaky keg was one that a mate had given me and I hadn't bothered to check over it because he'd been using it. Needless to say, I've been around with the spanner checking my other 3 kegs.
I have had the same thing happen on a pils that was tasting brilliant. so dissapointed as it was the best beer i have brewed.
i put a 50 liter keg of American brown ale into the fridge a while back

when i pushed the pinlock valve onto the coupler i must have pinched the oring and took a bit off the side of it.

I closed the fridge door, wound up the gas and went inside with a couple of bottles to drink.

got up the next morning to go to work and on my way oot to the car (had to go past the keg fridge in the QLD room to get to the garage i noticed a stream of brown liquid running form the fridge to the drain about 3 meters away.

open the fridge to fint beer fizzing and hissing out of the beer out fitting.

lost about 10 to 20 liters.

wasnt very happy but the beer wasnt the best ive made either so no biggy.

i gace learnt to check the keg after playing with it though.

Just came back from my Pa's 60th in Bunbury (where we manged to sink a keg...Yay !).
Had pulled the pluto gun off the keg in the fridge and hadn't bothered connecting it to the door tap, walk into the back room and there's soggy carpet and the definite smell of wasted beer. Basically all that was left in the keg, on the carpet :(
Not bad enough that the back room smells of dog, now it smells of stale beer as well....oh well, it's only a rental :blink:

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