Smoked Mild Ale

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Anyone made something like this?

I was thinking around OG 1.040, with maybe 20IBUs
10% Smoked Malt
8% Med CaraMunich or Crystal
1% Choc or Carafa 1
MO Pale Malt

Ale yeast either WY1968 or 1318

I have read the Smoked Mild recipe on the Weyermann website but at 25% smoked malt it seems as if smoke flavour would dominate too much. :unsure:

I have made beers with up to 35% smoked and enjoy them but it isn't what I'm aiming for here. I don't want the smoke to be a leading flavour especially since there is less to balance it in a mild.

Any suggestions?


Some time I ago I did a Scottish 60 which is basically similar to a Dark Mild with Weyermann Rauchmalz. Mine had 4.3% Rauch and I would have considered this to maybe be a little OTT particularly as the beer dried out over time.

Use 10% at your peril IMO the beer will taste a little like burnt wood. :lol:

Here's the recipe just as a reference point.

Glesgay Ale

A ProMash Recipe Report

BJCP Style and Style Guidelines

09-A Scottish and Irish Ale, Scottish Light 60

Min OG: 1.030 Max OG: 1.035
Min IBU: 10 Max IBU: 20
Min Clr: 23 Max Clr: 44 Color in EBC

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 40.00 Wort Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 9.30
Anticipated OG: 1.035 Plato: 8.84
Anticipated EBC: 37.4
Anticipated IBU: 20.9
Brewhouse Efficiency: 50 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
4.3 0.40 kg. Weyermann Smoked Germany 1.037 4
10.8 1.00 kg. Bourghul (Wholemeal) Australia 1.034 4
75.3 7.00 kg. Powells Traditional Ale Malt Australia 1.037 4
6.5 0.60 kg. TF Crystal UK 1.034 194
2.2 0.20 kg. TF Amber Malt UK 1.033 133
1.1 0.10 kg. TF Roasted Barley UK 1.033 1640

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
30.00 g. Northdown Pellet 7.20 17.8 60 min.
20.00 g. Northdown Pellet 7.20 3.2 15 min.


WYeast 2278 Czech Pils

Warren -
Get in touch with Doc. He made a scottish ale recently which had, peated malt, or something like that.
Kinda smokey-whisky flavours & damn nice.

I did the ESB Smoked Belgian Ale last year. The smoke-equivalent of a leg of ham, smoked cheese and a Blue Mountains Bushfire in every longneck.
Mixed reactions from those who tasted it. I loved it. Cracked the final longneck only a few weeks ago - it was worth the wait!

I brewed similar recipe to the one on the Weyermann site.
I will post the recipe tonight. I know I used Weyermann
Smoked Malt at almost 25% of the grist and Weyermann Munich 1
as the base malt.
After fermenting and drinking it I still think it could have done with
more Smoked Malt.

The current Weyermann Smoked Malt is a very delicate smoked malt indeed, 25% in my last Porter was barely noticable, in fact it wasn't noticable, so I think it would be great in a mild up to 25%, and I would be mashing on the high side 68-69 as well since I thought the malt tended give the beer a dry aftertaste (but that could just be me). However if your using the Peat smoked malt look out!


It's probably more an unfortunate case of gauging the freshness of the Rauchmalz in question. I've found its intensity to be variable at best. Might have a lot of do with how old the malt was at the time. :(

I guess another angle and one that would guarantee total freshness would be to smoke it yourself. I've done this once or twice with hickory and the results were pretty good.

You could hang the malt up and smoke it with those wonderful looking snags of yours Andrew. :icon_drool2:

Warren -

Some time I ago I did a Scottish 60 which is basically similar to a Dark Mild with Weyermann Rauchmalz. Mine had 4.3% Rauch and I would have considered this to maybe be a little OTT particularly as the beer dried out over time.

Use 10% at your peril IMO the beer will taste a little like burnt wood. :lol:


WYeast 2278 Czech Pils
Warren -

Thanks Warren,

Your recipe looks like the sort of thing I want to make, the smoked malt I have is probably a couple of years old so maybe it wont be as OTT as yours was.

As an aside, why the lager yeast ?? :huh:

Thanks Warren,

As an aside, why the lager yeast ?? :huh:


Yeah, funny you should mention that. <_< Was more or less a very bad theory that Scottish beers should be clean in flavour (read Noonan's Classic Styles book too much) the lager yeast was used so I could ferment it cool. I also once made a very nice smoked Baltic Porter with Wyeast 2278.

Only problem being it dried the Scottish 60 out far too much for my liking. Could also be partly responsible for the overbearing smoked malt character.

I certainly wouldn't use it again.

Warren -
PJO, here is what I brewed:

Smoked Millipede Mild

Type: All Grain
Date: 31/12/2006
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Brewer: Mark Rasheed
Boil Size: 30.33 L Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: Marks Equipment
Brewhouse Efficiency: 69.0


Amount Item Type % or IBU
2.90 kg Weyermann Munich I (15.8 EBC) Grain 67.9 %
1.00 kg Weyermann Smoked (3.9 EBC) Grain 23.4 %
0.25 kg Weyermann Caramunich II (124.1 EBC) Grain 5.9 %
0.12 kg Weyermann Carafa Special II (1099.3 EBC) Grain 2.8 %
34.00 gm Willamette [4.30%] (60 min) Hops 19.0 IBU
1.00 gm Challenger [6.40%] (60 min) Hops 0.8 IBU
1 Pkgs Scottish Ale (Wyeast Labs #1728) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.040 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.041 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.011 SG
Measured Final Gravity: 1.011 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 3.7 %
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 3.9 %
Bitterness: 19.8 IBU
Est Color: 36.4 EBC

I mashed at 69C by the way and the 1 gram of Challenger made a huge difference ;)

Let us know what you decide to do anyway.

Smoked Millipede Mild

Can I have a stab at why its called millipede mild?

Was it by chance you found one in the phill mill as you loaded it with grain or the like?
In the kettle when you went to run off?

Or thats your wifes pet name for your.................woops better not go there ;) :lol:

As linz once said to me on the forum, Jayse put the beer down and step away from the keyboard.

Can I have a stab at why its called millipede mild?

Was it by chance you found one in the phill mill as you loaded it with grain or the like?
In the kettle when you went to run off?

Or thats your wifes pet name for your.................woops better not go there ;) :lol:
As linz once said to me on the forum, Jayse put the beer down and step away from the keyboard.


Quite familiar territory. I once made an Earwig Hefeweizen... but let's not go there. :wacko:

Warren -
PJO, here is what I brewed:
Smoked Millipede Mild

I mashed at 69C by the way and the 1 gram of Challenger made a huge difference ;)

Let us know what you decide to do anyway.


Thanks TDA, I had a taste of my two-year-old smoked malt last night and I reckon the 10% I had originally planned might not be enough, will taste again on brew day (Sunday) and make a decision then.

Quite familiar territory. I once made an Earwig Hefeweizen... but let's not go there. :wacko:

Warren -

Yeah, I made a few weevil beers in my early mashing days, been storing my malt better since then.

Can I have a stab at why its called millipede mild?

Was it by chance you found one in the phill mill as you loaded it with grain or the like?
In the kettle when you went to run off?

Or thats your wifes pet name for your.................woops better not go there ;) :lol:
As linz once said to me on the forum, Jayse put the beer down and step away from the keyboard.


I would have expected more smokiness if I had boiled some millipedes in with the wort :D .

Good guess jayse but wrong. I found a number of millipedes UNDER the brew kettle on the day
I brewed this batch.

PJO, IIRC Hoepfner Smoked Malt had a much more intense flavour. I don't think it is available
anywhere in Australia now. But if someone does know where to get it........

PJO, IIRC Hoepfner Smoked Malt had a much more intense flavour. I don't think it is available
anywhere in Australia now. But if someone does know where to get it........

My smoked is Hoepfner Rauchmalz (it is a couple of years old). I ended up sticking with ~10% Smoked malt, and realised I didn't have quite enough Marris Otter so I subbed Vienna and Munich.

Here is the recipe as I brewed it on Sunday.

Batch 25L (post boil)
OG 1.040
IBU 20
Efficiency: 70%

2kg Wyermann Vienna
1.7kg W. Munich 1
0.5kg Hoepfner Smoked
0.4kg W. Caramunich 2
50g W. Carafa Sp. 1

Mash 68-69C 30min.
70C for 10 min (all sparge water added to mash tun and stirred for this step)
Single Batch sparge.

Wyeast 1968 pitched at 21C

In the end I went a bit over the OG for a mild (so its more like a smoked brown ale).

All in all it was a good day, I managed brew in 4.5hrs, including clean up. Normally I can't get under 6+hrs.

The current Weyermanns smoked malt is very mild. They recommend usage up to 100%.

I'd be using minimum 20% & possibly much higher, if you want a reasonable smokeyness.

cheers Ross

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