Simcoe combo ipa

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Mornington Peninsula
Just looking through my freezer in preparation for next week's brewing frenzy (got a few kegs I need to fill) and found an unopened bag of simcoe pellets I didn't realise I had. Was thinking along the lines of simcoe early, amarillo late and citra whirlpool or something? Heard simcoe works well with amarillo but never tried the simcoe before so wanted to see what others have used it with? Grain bill pale malt with some crystal and a touch of chocolate?
Cheers, trying to branch out into multiple hopped brews now I've spent a while playing around with single hopped ones.
I would use the Simcoe late or as a dry/keg hop. Was amazing with Amarillo in an IPA I made.
Adding Simcoe to the shopping list now.
What you going to brew, pale ale or ipa? I have a tasty APA recipe using all three of those hops. Work very well together
Those three play together very well, don't know if there's a way you could mess up it.
I love Simcoe. Pretty ordinary on its own but works great with any of the newer American hops imho. I put it in all my hoppy American beers. A bit of fruity plus a bit of piney with a very slight dank but not over powering. Low in cohumulone oils which makes it an excellent bittering hop (apparently). I dont buy into that much though. Many ways to skin a beer.

I did an IIPA with Simcoe, Mosaic, Centenial and Columbus. Magnum for bitterning, should have used more. I could of had it with my breakfast instead of juice.
nosco said:
.... Pretty ordinary on its own ....

... Though admittedly best while playing with a few others. Simcoe + Columbus is a classic winner.

Edit: to the OP, all 3 are winners. I'd keep them all as late as possible. Try some FWH for bittering and then put all 3 as late as you can, in the biggest quantity you can. For my tastes, Simcoe and citra are limited solely by the grain bill. Ie: the more the merrier, to the limit of the appropriate bitterness to match the OG&FG.
Thanks all for the suggestions, I'll play around with the recipe and see what comes out. Probably use some warrior early or fwh to get the clean bitterness then everything else late and see how we go.
^ I'm a big fan of warrior for pales and especially IPA.

On the pales usually sit the Ibu at under 15 and then get the rest from 10mins and about 4g/L whirlpool at 95c which will give Ibu also.

Simcoe is one of the best hops from the US, it can be viewed as the second coming of the craft beer revolution after what cascade did in the 80s. Brewers were reignited with flavour/aroma and soon followed after Simcoes success was a number of high quality hop options from the US.

Simcoe plays very well with Centennial, Amarillo, Casacde and Columbus. Citra is great, very dominant and simcoe will take a side seat when used in equal portions.

My fav combo for aroma is Simcoe, Citra and Amarillo and I have a penchant for Simcoe/Cascade which is quite fantastic.
I love cascade but used the last of my stick a few brews ago. Looking forward to trying this one now, just need to get through 3 days of work first

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