dont use the braid, it wont work. It'll just clog up.
anything that is fine enough to filter out break, is also fine enough to clog up almost instantly as soon as it does. Effective "trub" filters need a really quite large surface area, or they need to be "depth" filters like a hop-back.
Big Circle - type bags are pretty simple and of course very strong, but I've found that I regularly make mistakes and end up spilling grain into my pot, lots and lots of "edge" to keep control over, and I screw it up semi regularly even on the small scale rig where I use a circle instead of a bag. I've sewn a drawstring around the edge of my circle and thats helped, but its still more of a PITA than an actual bag.
voile is cheap and if your Gf sews.... try out all the different shapes and options, see which works for you the best.
your nearly ready... better get a recipe worked out