Session Pale / IPA for xmas ..recipe/schedule help

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Shellharbour city
Hey guys .
will probably have a few people over for Xmas.. thinking of doing a session Pale or IPA
this will be kegged and in and around 21litres

I had originally wanted to do a pirate life IPA clone but most of the ingredients were missing from the brew shop closest to me
I have a few ideas
and a lot of hops / extracts
I have in store
1.5kg extra pale LME
2x1.5kg light LME
1x1kg light LME
2x 1.5kg wheat LME
1x 1.5 kg caramalt LME ( not real keen on this for the pale)
1kg dextrose

600grams crystal grain
200g carapils grain
200g munich grain

50g centenial
100g nelson sauvin
80g cascade
100g galaxy
50g amarillo
25g fuggles
40g Super alpha (dr rudi)
20g mozaic

So far I have in my head

1.5kg extra light lme
0.5kg light lme

0.5kg wheat lme

200g of both munich and carapils steeped

15g super alpha @60mins
and possibly galaxy and centennial late additions (not sure on times) I do think galaxy is over done latley
and dry hop ?

possibly get around 4%
and under 50 ibu maybe ;)
cheers in advance for any input
[SIZE=10pt]This is where Im at at the moment[/SIZE]

fluffs session pale

[SIZE=10pt]Method:[/SIZE] Extract
[SIZE=10pt]Style:[/SIZE] American Pale Ale
[SIZE=10pt]Boil Time:[/SIZE] 60 min
[SIZE=10pt]Batch Size:[/SIZE] 21 liters [SIZE=.9em](fermentor volume) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Boil Size:[/SIZE] 7 liters
[SIZE=10pt]Boil Gravity:[/SIZE] 1.093 [SIZE=.9em](recipe based estimate) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Efficiency:[/SIZE] 35% [SIZE=.9em](steeping grains only) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Source:[/SIZE] Fluff

Original Gravity:

Final Gravity:

ABV (standard):

IBU (tinseth):

SRM (daniels):

1.5 kg Liquid Malt Extract - Extra Light
0.5 kg Liquid Malt Extract - Light - (late addition)
17.2% 0.5 kg Liquid Malt Extract - Wheat
2.5 kg Total

Steeping Grains

0.2 kg American - Munich - Light 10L
0.2 kg American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt)

30 g Super Alpha Pellet Boil 60 min
10 g cascade Pellet Boil 10 min
10 g Nelson Sauvin Pellet Boil 10 min
10 g cascade Pellet Boil 0 min
10 g Nelson Sauvin Pellet Boil 0 min
20 g cascade Pellet Dry Hop 8 days
20 g Nelson Sauvin Pellet Dry Hop 8 days
Depends on what you want. If you want to max out on hop flavour and aroma, I'd recommend around 30% of the final IBUs (so around 12 of your 37) from the 60min bittering addition, and the rest from the late hops.

Personally, I'm not a fan of NS and would be more inclined to go with a combination of cascade, amarillo and centennial for the late and dry hops. I'd also be inclined to limit the dry hops to 3-4 days, but do 2 lots of 40g each for 3-4 days days each, consecutively
cheers man,
really after something that easy drinking but had decent flavours. and wont rip your face off
I've been thinking about the centennial and amarillo
dropping the 60 min down would mean pretty high later additions..
but if I move the 10mins back to 20 and double it that should do it.

Ive only ever really used galaxy and mozaic for flavour and aroma
I would suggest if you are aiming for a 4% brew to keep IBUs down around 40 max to keep it in balance. I would try a first wort hop to smooth it out, a bit at 10 minutes and plenty late at 0 min or whirlpool (if you whirlpool).
Also, dont go adding all of your fermentables to the 7L boil. Not sure if that was your intent but your plan is showing a boil gravity of 1.093. Try to keep it around the 1.04 mark to get the best utilisation of hops and throw the rest into the fermenter with the top up water.

Oh yeah- chuck in a handfull of that crystal too as it will give the lighter ABV beer a bit more of a platform to carry a higher IBU.
Doesn't the Munich grain need to be mashed?
I think you'll need to make sure you "steep" you Munich grain at 65-66*c for ~30+mins to make sure it goes through saccharification.
Sorry, to hijack thread (not sure if it's going to be frowned upon round these parts) but Droopy; why not add all fermentables to the 7L boil?
Just I'm going to be doing a similar brew today (my 2ND ever infact), using 3.8kg fermentables: 2.5kg ldme, 1kg wheat dme & 0.3kg 60L caramel steeping grains.
Hop schedule:
millennium 14%, 15g @ 60 30IBU.
Amarillo 8%, 10g @ 10 min. 3IBU
Millennium 14%, 10g @ 5min. 4IBU
Amarillo 8%, 20g @ 5 min. 4IBU

The recipe I'm basing my brew on is here
It says to add only 1.6kg of fermentables to the boil which I never picked up on until I went back a re-read it after reading your comment.
Hi Biel
The primary reason you limit your fermentables in the boil is because a high or low sugar concentration in the wort will affect the utilization of the hops. So the idea is you throw enough DME into the boil to hit ~ 1.040-1.050 as that's considered the "normal" range.
Definitely include the liquid from your steeped grains as that needs to boil to sterilize it.

The DME *should* be ~sterile so I believe you don't have to boil it. I personally would, so I'd be tempted to do, say, 2 boils. One with some DME and grain liquor to hit 1.050 and use this for your hops additions. The second vessel just for all the rest of the DME that you boil for 5-10mins in whatever vol of water you can 2-4L(?) to ensure a bit more sanitation.
Otherwise if you can't be bothered, just tip the remaining fermentables straight into the FV and stir it in; many do & it'd probably be fine.
Ahhhhhh. Thank you.
If I don't add all the extract to A boil, then does the lack of hot break with these affect anything? I think I will do a little boil with the rest, for that and sanitation too.
technobabble66 said:
Hi Biel
The primary reason you limit your fermentables in the boil is because a high or low sugar concentration in the wort will affect the utilization of the hops. So the idea is you throw enough DME into the boil to hit ~ 1.040-1.050 as that's considered the "normal" range.
Definitely include the liquid from your steeped grains as that needs to boil to sterilize it.
you can definitely see the effect on the IBU when you make it up on brewers friend ..

I put this brew down the other night.. I'll see how it goes..
I erred on the side of caution and went with a cascade amarillo and centennial hops schedule .
and Steeped all grains at ~65 degs and threw in some crystal grain also
Definitely, I just changed the values on ,wort homebrew calculator' that I'm using, dropped the ldme and wheat to 1kg and 0.5kg and the first wort hopping jumped up almost 6 points.
Thanks for that tip, I didn't think to check it on my app after deciding to change the weight input

I'm still unsure of what the MASH and BOIL options change, I didn't think I mashed with extract so have just put all fermentables as BOIL.

I'm going to have to get some cascade and centennial, I really want some citra but couldn't justify another $15 on them this week after walking out of LHBS spending $70.
Beil said:
I'm going to have to get some cascade and centennial, I really want some citra but couldn't justify another $15 on them this week after walking out of LHBS spending $70.
at least you can get it :) been told stuff like citra, riwaka , simcoe, orbit .. are non existent to the home brewer
Fluff said:
at least you can get it :) been told stuff like citra, riwaka , simcoe, orbit .. are non existent to the home brewer
Whoever told you that is full of **** and you should think twice about believing another word they tell you. Try looking at some of the forum sponsors' sites and you will find most of these hops available online to the home brewer:

Grain and Grape
Hop Deals Australia
Hoppy Days
National Home Brew

Apologies to anyone I missed. Orbit is hard to find, Citra can be tricky at times but someone will usually have some - the others are really common.
Whoever told you that is full of **** and you should think twice about believing another word they tell you. Try looking at some of the forum sponsors' sites and you will find most of these hops available online to the home brewer:

Grain and Grape
Hop Deals Australia
Hoppy Days
National Home Brew

Apologies to anyone I missed. Orbit is hard to find, Citra can be tricky at times but someone will usually have some - the others are really common.
dude thanks.. been told they are copyrighted and restricted .. or just cant get them.. will definitely look into it
Fluff said:
dude thanks.. been told they are copyrighted and restricted .. or just cant get them.. will definitely look into it
WHO is telling you this BS mate??? A little bit of misinformation is one thing but this is an outrageous lie! If it is a Local Home Brew Shop then they should be named and shamed.
Fluff said:
dude thanks.. been told they are copyrighted and restricted .. or just cant get them.. will definitely look into it
WHO is telling you this BS mate??? A little bit of misinformation is one thing but this is an outrageous lie! If it is a Local Home Brew Shop then they should be named and shamed.
That only applies to growing them I believe, not buying pellets/flowers.
this is how it ended up

copied from brewers friend

Title: fluffs session pale
Author: Fluff

Brew Method: Extract
Style Name: American Pale Ale
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 22 liters (fermentor volume)
Boil Size: 7 liters
Boil Gravity: 1.054
Efficiency: 35% (steeping grains only)

Original Gravity: 1.038
Final Gravity: 1.007
ABV (standard): 4.08%
IBU (tinseth): 36.53
SRM (daniels): 9.31

1.5 kg - Liquid Malt Extract - Extra Light - (late addition) (46.9%)
0.6 kg - Liquid Malt Extract - Light (18.8%)
0.5 kg - Liquid Malt Extract - Wheat (15.6%)

0.2 kg - American - Munich - Light 10L (6.3%)
0.2 kg - American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) (6.3%)
0.2 kg - American - Caramel / Crystal 10L (6.3%)

8 g - Super Alpha, Type: Pellet, AA: 13, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 11.54
20 g - Centennial, Type: Pellet, AA: 10, Use: Boil for 20 min, IBU: 13.44
20 g - Amarillo, Type: Pellet, AA: 8.6, Use: Boil for 20 min, IBU: 11.56
10 g - Centennial, Type: Pellet, AA: 10, Use: Boil for 0 min
15 g - Amarillo, Type: Pellet, AA: 8.6, Use: Boil for 0 min
23 g - cascade, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.5, Use: Dry Hop for 4 days

Fermentis / Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05
Starter: Yes

I was all set to tap the keg today.., but somehow my ferkin co2 is empty.. now sure whats happened and where the leak was.. ffs
I'll let you all know how it went

Ive just had to make a mad dash to the bottle o for xmas now )