Second Brew

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Ok....the first brew is in bottles maturing, and without wasting any time I have thrown my second brew on with everything I have learnt from these forums and reading 'Brewing Crafts'.

The first brew is the Coopers Lager from the Cooper brew kit, and after two weeks in the bottle it tastes very fruity, but I have put it away to try again later. I am confident my second brew is going to be remarkedly better with the better ingredients I have used, better temp control and tips from this forum.

What do you think?:

Brewcraft Mexican Cerveza
Brewcraft Blend #15
Brew Cellar Premium Lager Yeast

OG: 1050

It has been fermenting for 12 days so far, at temps between 16-20 degrees.

Let me know what you think, considering it is my second brew ever and I am still learning.
16-20 is a fair bit too high for a Lager yeast, you should be looking at 10-12.
I'd say you're on the right track.

However if the lager yeast really is just that and not a hybrid you're looking at a target temp of 9 - 15 for yeast goodness.

Don't forget to larger after secondary fermentation. I've never done a lager before but i've read of people just using insulated boxes and replacing frozen bottles to keep temps down for at least 6 weeks.
My second brew was also a Mexican Cerveza but I used the Coopers kit and just did as the can suggested but kept it at 19-20c.
My OG was I think alittle high the reading I got was about 1058 and on the third brew I got another high reading so I tossed the sample and drew off a second and redid it and got a much lower reading of 1050. So my guess is my OG for the Mex should have been about 1040 or so.
I really just wanted to throw it in and give it plenty of time before Christmas on Straddie. this week end will be 2 weeks in the bottle so I'm keen to give it a try.

I had a few bottles of the Lager that came with the kit and I pretty much just brewed that as per kit instructions and after 3 1/2 weeks in bottle it tasted pretty good easily knock over a few, and here I was thinking it was going to be a crap first go :D
Third brew in the fermenter right now is the Coopers Sparkling Ale recipe, is also straight off the can but I used Safale 04 instead of the under the lid yeast. Really looking forward to this one.
Yeah I think my temp is still a little to high for the lager yeast.....probably too late to change it now as I am expecting to bottle any day now?

My next brew I am going to do the Super Stout receipe out of the "Brewing Crafts" book.

I will try and get my temps under control for that one, hopefully this one will still taste alright even though I have brewed it a little to high.
Hey AzDog, I also started with lagers....the first one at really high temp, second one I put the fermenter in a container with cold water/ice and wrapped an wet towel around....third one got a fridge/tempmate. Saying that, the first one was not as good as expected but the 2nd one was a treat. Still saving some bottles for the hot summer.

Try to crash chill (or finings if prefered) before bottling. You will finish with much less sediment in your bottles....
I'd say you're on the right track.

However if the lager yeast really is just that and not a hybrid you're looking at a target temp of 9 - 15 for yeast goodness.

Brew cellar lager yeast is genuine lager yeast. Best maximum is 12 although you could push to 14 in a pinch if need be. Aim for 10-12 if possible.
Yeah I think my temp is still a little to high for the lager yeast.....probably too late to change it now as I am expecting to bottle any day now?

Cold condition/lager it first. It might seem like a pain but it will make a massive difference, particularly given your initial high temps. If you can stick it in a fridge for a week (whole fermenter) then do that - otherwise a laundry tub full of ice bricks and PET soft drink and juice bottles (fill with water and freeze) rotated regularly. Do that for one week before bottling and your lager will taste much cleaner.
Actually Brewcellar lager yeast is S-23 Saflager in a different packet.
If you are only pitching 1 Sachet pitch it at 16-18 degrees for 24 hour and then lower slowly to 12 degrees the best you can.
There was another thread in K+K how S-23.
My key boeard is full of coke Arrrrgh/
Good luck
When you guys say keep a lager yeast like this at 10-12 degrees, what temp do you pitch it at??

At 10-12 degrees???
As matti said above, pitch at 16~18'C and keep it there for the first 24hrs, then drop to 10~12'C.

It is a bit of a stuff around without a brewfridge, but it can be done using methods mentioned above.

CHeers - boingk

EDIT: A pseudo-lager can be made by fermenting low with US-05; most find running 15'C will give a nice, clean beer. While not a true lager (US-05 is an ale yeast), it does a good impression of one.
Whoops I missed that in Matti's reply, thanks Matti just what I was after.