Schneider Weisse (repost)

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(I inadvertently posted this before in the IBU forum.)

All you wheaties out there should find this interesting. I've been taking a look a the Schneider Weisse

website, and came across this:

This is the English version of the page. (You can see the German version by replacing the 'lang=en' with 'lang=de' in the URL.) It does have some interesting details, such as the fact that Schneider uses a multiple decoction mash.

But it doesn't reveal all the good bits. Here's my translation of the 'missing bits' that only appear in the German version:


The Raw Materials
Hops and malt, water and yeast.

According to the Reinheitsgebot of 1516 only these four ingredients may be used in German beer. No
doubt you already knew that. But did you know how much is needed for the production of one litre of
beer? No?

Our master brewer Hans-Peter Drexler will let you in on the secret. For the production of Schneider
Weisse Original he uses these quantities:

1,0 l Brew water
108 g Wheat malt
72 g Barley malt
2 g Roast malt
0,07 g Hops
4 g Top-fermenting yeast


Homebrewing is not a big thing in Germany, so maybe they don't mind spilling the beans a bit in

Further on we learn that the hops is Hallertau, or at least comes from the Hallertau area. We are also
told that Schneider uses aroma as well as bittering hops.

Not much explanation of the malt, though. Just wheat, barley and roast. I had previously thought maybe
there was some Munich malt in SW to give it the nice deep colour, but maybe it's just the roast plus the decoction of course. Based just on German wheat and Pils malt and the given quantity of roast malt, the colour looks about right.

Now I ran this through Beertools, based on a 20L batch. To get up to the SW alcohol content of 5.4, you'd
have to be hitting nearly 100% efficiency, so for the craftbrewer out there (as Graham Sanders would
say) you might have to up the quantities a fair bit. But the proportions are there. I'll definitely be working on this recipe.

This post has been edited by Geoffi: Today, 06:59 AM

good work Geoff (tu) will have to have a play with my promash recipe, maybe add a small amount of melanoidin as i'm to slack to decoct

As I pointed out a couple of weeks ago in another thread, this recipe gives an IBU level of less than 1 for noble hops!

I would consider multiplying this by a factor of about 10 for a starting point.
Possibly it was .07Kg of hops, or 70g? ie, muliply by 100?
The recipe was per 1 Liter. It did say 0,07g but I'm inclined to agree that someone was thinking kg while typing g. But 70g/l sounds worse for Weizen than 0.07g! I would go with around 0.7g/l, depending on hop variety.

For Hallertauer Hersbrucker you would need a lot more than this though.

Edit: typed 7g instead of 0.7. Fixed that!
I'm thinking 0.7g/l, not 0.07g/l. Probably about right, with noble hops to give about 10-13 IBU.

I use about 28g saaz in my weizens, which is about 1.2g/l
That's equivalent to 7% AAU German bittering hops to give you about the level of bitterness my weizens achieve, if used at 0.7g/l.

Rambling ? waffle? maybe so, maybe so, but Einstein was thought to be retarded as he didn't speak until the age of 6. Then again, Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't impressive when he was young, either. :blink:

Seth :p
Has anyone tried out this recipe as per the maker's revelation?

I am guessing that the grain bill and yeast are the easy part, getting the decoctions etc. right will make or break this beer. And please nobody suggest using Melanoidin instead, I am tired of hearing that on here...

I reckon it looks like a reasonable base to make a Weizen, I am however tempted to add just a weeeeee bit of Carahell so it won't be so dry (read:boring)

Seth what do you think? You're the resident expert.

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