Samuel Smith Nut Brown And Organic Best Ale

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Hey Guys,

Does anyone have a clone recipe for either SS Nut Brown Ale or the Organic Best Bitter?
I tried them both for the first time today and enjoyed them immensely.


Im with you the ss nut brown is very nice

Im about to do an American brown but will be watching this thread closely as a nut brown could be next

I have some london ale 111 yeast I wonder if that would be a good yeast ?

I also have some BB ale malt but I spose maris otter would be better as the base malt ?

Then some wheat ?

Choc , munich 1, crystal med or dark, Ide better leave it up to the pros will be watching with interest
Not much action on this one mb83

I sugest a good look through the styles for the week mate they have one northern english recipe there lots of southern english but Im with you prefer the nut brown end of it unless its a dark mild of course

I have heaps of US hops so thats why I thought Ide go the American style for a try but Im only a novice cheers too ya hope research yeilds reward
Can vouch for none of these:

Extract version, partial version and some AG suggestions:

Biscuit malt helps get a nutty flavour so could be worth a shot.

Definitely crystal for sweetness - try mashing high and mashing long. I would guess from tasting it that IBU would be around 20 -25 using English hops with a single bittering addition. 5% abv so I guess roughly an OG of 1050 -1055 and an FG of 1016 - 1012.

Being bottle conditioned, you could try your luck with re-culturing the yeast - otherwise you should look at a yorkshire type yeast. Ringwood 1187 is one I believe and I think there's a whitelabs which is the SS strain supposedly. I can vouch for London III being a great yeast but whether it's the best one for this, I'm not sure. 1469 sounds like a goer but I believe it's hard to come by. My experience with 1187 and london III are both very recent, my experience with 1469 is zip. The other yeast I've seen recommended for this is 1084 - this I have used but in an IRA, porter and stout. Lovely, again can't vouch for it in this.

Don't know if that helps but it might give some ideas to play with.
Hi All,

I just found this on

Samuel Smiths Nut Brown Ale - 25 litres

Samuel Smiths Nut Brown Ale

OG: 1.048
EBU: 35
Pale malt: 4,250g
Amber malt: 540g
Crystal: 550g
Chocolate malt: 75g

Start of boil (90mins)
Fuggle: 100g

Last 15 minutes:
Goldings: 20g
Irish moss: 10g

Mash @ 68C

Can't wait to try it out.
Does it look ok to you guys?


Looks good to me nice & simple

Maybe some munich 1 or evan 2 for the nutyness

Yeast I have london 111 on hand but most english strains would surfice I think ( my 1 cents worth)

That is really only 1 cent worth by the way

Maybe some sort of wheat for mouthfeel head retention.

Any way I've kept the post alive
So I had the Nut Brown last night and when I finished it turned my attention to finding a good clone recipe. On the bottle they list their ingredients. Now as far as I know in Australia the ingredient which appears first is the highest % ingredient in the product and it goes in descending order and the label appears to be one printed for OZ. The list of ingredients (in order) is as follows:

Malted Barley
Cane Sugar
Roasted Barley
Seaweed Finings
Carbon Dioxide

Wish I took a gravity reading now as the cane sugar sticks out like a sore thumb in that list. Is that for bottle conditioning? There didn't appear to be any yeast in my bottle so I thought that the sugar may have been there to get the FG down, although this beer doesn't strike me as being that kind of beer.

Also of note is the Roasted Barley on that list which doesn't appear to be on many clone recipes. If I am correct in thinking the ingredient list is in descending order then the Roasted Barley must be a small addition if it's coming in under the hops, perhaps 50 odd grams?

It comes in at 5% alcohol so I think I might just have to go and get some more of this stuff and take a gravity reading. With the alcohol % and the FG that should give the OG. I'm thinking of following some of the recipes posted above, Marris, Crystal, Choc but I might put in a sneaky amount of Roasted Barley.

What do you all think about the cane sugar though? I thought this beer was bottle conditioned but like I said I didn't notice any yeast and the bottle is clean as a whistle now even though I didn't clean it at all.

Any comments appreciated

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