This is really the crux of the argument. I can't find anything to verify your percentages. A 95% salt solution would still be sloshing around and appear unfrozen - when at -14 degrees it solidifies.Which, according to the lever rule on the phase diagram would give him about 5% ice, and 95% salt solution (unfrozen).
Heh... I love the way a thread grows legs at this place.
Pimp, SB is right, you'll get no benefit from doing this, in fact, it will be less efficient than just freezing water. Think about ice on a road. It lays there frozen until along comes ranger Bob and chucks some salt on it. The ice melts and the traffic flows again even though the ambient temp hasn't changed. Why? Because the salt has decreased the melting point of the ice. It's kinda the reverse of what you're after.
This is really the crux of the argument. I can't find anything to verify your percentages. A 95% salt solution would still be sloshing around and appear unfrozen - when at -14 degrees it solidifies.
I had never heard of Gose before
Repeating all those science subjects you failed no univeristy for 7+ years.
Repeating all those science subjects you failed no doubt
Alright - you may be right about those percentages. I shall admit defeat and walk away with my tail between my legs. When my brewing freezer is free - I'm going to make an 18% salt solution and set the temp to -14.6C and see what happens.
Oh yeah, and what the hell does BJCP stand for?
So, I'm going to go right ahead and make the leap to the next logical question... Is the most effective ice (in this scenario at least) made out of distilled water? I don't know if I can be arsed to distill a load of water but I can run a few litres through my RO unit.
So, I'm going to go right ahead and make the leap to the next logical question... Is the most effective ice (in this scenario at least) made out of distilled water? I don't know if I can be arsed to distill a load of water but I can run a few litres through my RO unit.
Repeating all those science subjects you failed no doubt
Alright - you may be right about those percentages. I shall admit defeat and walk away with my tail between my legs. When my brewing freezer is free - I'm going to make an 18% salt solution and set the temp to -14.6C and see what happens.
Weird-ass sour beer from east germany. One of the few beer styles I have never tried but I'm pretty keen - it's so rare and difficult to get outside of east Germany that the BJCP doesn't include it in it's categories.
EDIT: what I mean by all this is: it's so rare and weird that I wouldn't worry too much about whether you've ever heard of it, it's unlikely that you'll be caught out in conversation when you admit you've never heard of it