Russki Beer

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Finnskis join NATO provoke mother Russia. Soon, tovarishi, unstoppable army of mother Russia sweep west denazify all Europe, maybe Kangarooland and Yankeeland also. Or blow up everybody in wonderful tragedy like Tolstoy write.

So, besides so-called Russian Imperial Stout English Nazis invent, what Russian styles I brew instead of Europski and Americanski beer? Once I drink two Russian lager. Very strong, like Putin. Very tasty licked off icicle near absolute zero. Serve with overflowing bucket of cabbage soup.

Facsimile recipe: empty bottle of VB in chilled mug. Splurge on vodka, pay $25 dollar for bottle. Pour two ounce in VB. Best make cabbage soup first.
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Finnskis join NATO provoke mother Russia. Soon, tovarishi, unstoppable army of mother Russia sweep west denazify all Europe, maybe Kangarooland and Yankeeland also. Or blow up everybody in wonderful tragedy like Tolstoy write.

So, besides so-called Russian Imperial Stout English Nazis invent, what Russian styles I brew instead of Europski and Americanski beer? Once I drink two Russian lager. Very strong, like Putin. Very tasty licked off icicle near absolute zero. Serve with overflowing bucket of cabbage soup.

Facsimile recipe: empty bottle of VB in chilled mug. Splurge on vodka, pay $25 dollar for bottle. Pour two ounce in VB. Best make cabbage soup first.
Lol haha, what I don't understand about the Ukraine being invaded is yankie doodle supplying a ridiculous amount of arms and it not being seen as a declaration of war, but mind you both America and Russia have been fighting proxy wars against each other for donkeys.
I have friends in Estonia, they are currently making preparations to leave their family home and join their daughter in Austria, what we and the rest of the Western world see is a tiny piece of the tragedy a single man is inflicting on parts of Europe.
A while ago on this forum I was ridiculed for mentioning Hitler and the Nazis, I wonder if those same people are laughing now? And if they are, how little they know of the catastrophe that is a mere button press away from occurring.
Putin may be physically ill, he may be deluded, it may be the last chance a dying man has to leave his mark in the history books, it's irrelevant, and history tells us that those who forget the lessons of the past are condemned to repeat them.
If it were not for US aid, and Hitler fighting on two fronts (trying to take Russia as well as Britain the bloody idiot) in the 40's Britain would have fallen, it probably would have lost eventually anyway had not the Japanese attack brought the US into the war proper.
Putin's claimed reason for the invasion was to keep Nato at bay, ironic that his actions have caused Finland to join Nato thus more than doubling the border length between Russia and Nato.
Putin is now threatening Finland with military reprisals, now as a member of Nato any such move will almost certainly lead to "boots on the ground" (WW2 all over again) and that's a no brainer, the Russian army, air force is no match for Nato, either in training or capabilities, their proxy war in afghanistan proved this, sure the US eventually pulled out but not because Russia beat them, so what are the Russian options? Is there the appetite in Russia to get rid of him yet? Or is it too late?
Telling is China distancing itself from Russia, very subtly of course but the message is clear, will Putin or his associates listen?
I loved your post yank, very clever, funny, and on point with the alcohol references, I just hope we're still laughing in 12 months time.
Russia has a long history of killing its own people, and I fear the estimates of tens of thousands of civilian deaths is conservative.
Remember, the first casualty of any war is "the truth!"
Na Zdorovie
Finnskis join NATO provoke mother Russia. Soon, tovarishi, unstoppable army of mother Russia sweep west denazify all Europe, maybe Kangarooland and Yankeeland also. Or blow up everybody in wonderful tragedy like Tolstoy write.
Comrade Poo Tin, ((Dunny Can in Strine) is the saviour of the world. Not only has he made gas and oil much more expensive so that nobody can afford to burn fossil fuels any more, but when he lets his nukes off he's going to bring about the long-awaited nuclear winter which'll correct all this global warming stuff and bring in another ice age. And if he gets Trump and Boris as well, then everyone's a winner.I'll raise a glass of my home-brewed magic mushroom vodka to that lad!
Why commenters worry? I watch On The Beach. Australia last place everybody die.
I know this is Putin's war but I don't believe these dictator types hold all the power. If this goes sour for Russia, and the Church decides to pull it's support, Mr Putin could disappear overnight. We wouldn't find out for a week when they tell us he 'suffered a sudden heart attack'.
Putin's claimed reason for the invasion was to keep Nato at bay,

That, and the 'denazification of Ukraine, from the likes those Azov scamps threatening genocide to Russian speaking peoples.
I think their numbers are around 1000 or so. With a paltry 146 million Russians, obviously a clear and present danger..