Its the most pivotal day in Australian history in my lifetime, falling not insignificantly behind Keatings excellent Redfern Address of 1993 ( one of the best speeches in history)
It depressess me that most Australian's are so poorly eductated and informed so as to find reason to criticize and serve to extractate themsleves from event such as this. This is about basic human decency, and the accepting of responsibility, to hide bind worries of compensation payouts, is selfish and phillistinic
The facts are,
The white people came and did some revolting thing for many years, this apology is realistically only the beginning, and I am elated at Rudd's motion to form the oddly quipped "War cabinet" on Aboriginal health, and more importantly on his dedication to have the indigenous people instated as the original land owners in the consitution.
The huge amout of wealth in this country, is a good reminder of the value of the country that the Aborigianl people sustianed for 60K years, I belive, and am willing to help to pay for the wrongs of the colonisers of this land, as its the least we can ******* do.
I was far prouder listeing the Rudd today, than I have ever been hearing about some aimless "aussie"sporting victory.
We forget our short , dark history, at our peril, and event's such as today's are a reminder that real change can actually occur, givin the right circumstances.