Rocket Fuel

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A friend of mine (and future brewing partner, virgin run tomorrow with some Foreign export stout) has been asked to play at an underground gig with his band, a fairly punk think, DIY and BYO drinks and share. We thought we'd make some rocket fuel to give away, more emphasis on giving it some kick than taste since it's going to be drunk by indie kids in tight jeans in between skulls of cask wine.

So if anyone has a recipe/tips for some rocket fuel(aiming for 7% plus) from a can that would be greatly appreciated, being Adelaide it would be even better if it is slightly like CPA or CSA.


i'm not that keen to help seeing as though i've trying to give homebrew at least around my circle of friends a good name.
A lot of people on here don't like rocket fuel but I do.

I made some good rocket fuel the other day.

It was

2x coopers Canadian Blonde cans,
1x Brew Enhancer 2

And 25g of Sazz hops boiled for 15mins

Also I chucked in some Low carb enzyme so thin it right out and make it way to easy to drink.

Used both the kit yeasts

without the addition of the low carb enzyme it's around 7% but the enzyme will make it stronger, not sure how much by though.

This beer is really light and thin and has little to no taste at all but it'll get you shit faced. I take a coke bottle full to keep me topped up on the walk into town.
A friend of mine (and future brewing partner, virgin run tomorrow with some Foreign export stout) has been asked to play at an underground gig with his band, a fairly punk think, DIY and BYO drinks and share. We thought we'd make some rocket fuel to give away, more emphasis on giving it some kick than taste since it's going to be drunk by indie kids in tight jeans in between skulls of cask wine.

So if anyone has a recipe/tips for some rocket fuel(aiming for 7% plus) from a can that would be greatly appreciated, being Adelaide it would be even better if it is slightly like CPA or CSA.



go for maybe a toucan of coopers aussie pale and 2kg BE#2, that gives about 7.8% for a 23l brew. if u fear it will be too bitter sub one can of pale for a can of LME pale
go for maybe a toucan of coopers aussie pale and 2kg BE#2, that gives about 7.8% for a 23l brew. if u fear it will be too bitter sub one can of pale for a can of LME pale

Yeah I tried a Aussie pale kit toucan and didn't go much on it. I think the blonde will be more suitable for the emo kids he's going to feed it to.
your supplying alc to patrons? if the cops catch you your done for. and giving them high %alc beer is just irresponsible.

but moving along, do a search for 'rocket fuel', 'skull cracker' etc on the site and youll find plenty. or as suggested use a toucan or threecan mix in 23L and youll be up there in %alc.

there is a toucan thread where there are lots of differant recipes, choose which one takes your fancy.
I remember making many big evil nasty head banging beers back in my kit days, and they all tasted shit, lol.
However, one that i never got around to trying was called "Uncle Arthers falling down water"... its about a 9/10% alc beer depending.
Probably taste's like arse too i bet. Recipe is
1x can of lager/ale of choice
1.4kg LME
2kg Glucose
15g fuggles.
Probably use a few packets of yeast to eat all that.

Sounds nasty! good luck.
i'm not that keen to help seeing as though i've trying to give homebrew at least around my circle of friends a good name.

In all honesty I doubt if anyone who drinks this will know/care that it's home brew just that it's free, the subtitle was just a joke. The goal of this is really to give something to the people going to the shows, I could spend the time making a nice RIS stout and aging it for a couple years, the end result would be the same, skulked by someone in tight jeans with an expensive haircut.

your supplying alc to patrons? if the cops catch you your done for. and giving them high %alc beer is just irresponsible.
the gigs take place on private property with no entry fees or sales of alcohol, basically allowing people to take drinks at private party.

thanks for all the help fellas
crap. just deleted a long post on this. oh well start again.

whats your brewing capability like? if you can use hops etc then your options are limitless. as the increased amounts of fermentables will need to be countered by bitterness unless you just up the dextrose amounts (which gives alc but no taste but dries and thins out the beer).

toucan/triplecan brews are easy and cheap as they are already bittered and chucking more cans into the same amount of water increases alc and balanced bitterness at the same time.

the uncl aurther water will taste very avg in my opion but it will do the job.

if you wanted something with taste then you could go

Hangover madness
muntons nut brown ale
500g unhopped wheat malt
500g liquid amber malt
1kg LDME
1.5kg unhopped extra pale malt extract
500g belgian candy sugar (or normal sugar)
10g hersbrucker hops @30
10g styrian @30
22g T-58 yeast
SG 1074, FG 1018

there are plenty of better recipes out there than that but its tasty.

or something simple like
2 x larger tins (canadian, euro whatever)
1Kg brewcraft #10 or #15 booster (or sub with a can of 'draught')
some Hallertau in @15 (you wouldnt need this if you used 3 kits)
both Kit Yeast
I think we have just moved from rocket fuel to full tactical nuclear :lol:
it is interesting to see the experience in kit brewing and how it can be an art as much as AG
U can brew good beer with kits and bits u just have to have some skill and understand brewing/what each ingrediants do.

Look at dan rayners k&k RIS that took best of show a few years back.

Happy brewing
cant wait to see where this topic/recipies ends up and put it in the recipe section of my spanking new folder of brewing stuff.... :icon_offtopic: the biggest section seems to b eon yeast thus far..
A friend of mine (and future brewing partner, virgin run tomorrow with some Foreign export stout) has been asked to play at an underground gig with his band, a fairly punk think, DIY and BYO drinks and share. We thought we'd make some rocket fuel to give away, more emphasis on giving it some kick than taste since it's going to be drunk by indie kids in tight jeans in between skulls of cask wine.

So if anyone has a recipe/tips for some rocket fuel(aiming for 7% plus) from a can that would be greatly appreciated, being Adelaide it would be even better if it is slightly like CPA or CSA.



Any reason you can't make a brew with kick that tastes good as well? I like good beer AND Crass.

If you want rocket fuel, there's an old finnish homebrew drink (Kilju) which is just yeast, sugar and water which you can make to any strength you like depending on the yeast. Freeze distil to concentrate and you'll have something that will probably actually taste like rocket fuel, create horrendous hangovers but do the job. The finns have a slightly more upmarket homebrewed drink called sima which employs lemons and raisins and possibly a different attitude.

If you have time to craft something decent, there are various ways.

Start with a toucan and a decent yeast, add in some extra sugar as you go through ferment (gradually- maybe 200g every 2 days after krausen starts to drop), keep ferment temps low and let the beer sit after ferment has finished for at least a week. Cold condition for another 3-7 days, prime and bottle as normal.

As someone who has been (and still sometimes is) involved in going to and organising various underground type gigs (including dark ambient and punk) I'm not a fan of the idea that everything has to be done as crappily as possible. Finding DIY methods of doing things cheaply but properly, I find very exciting. Doing it yourself doesn't mean doing it badly. It just means self reliance and independence. Make some good beer. Give it away. Get hammered on good piss rather than nasty shite.
make a heavy version of a hoppy beer to balance it out. something like;

2x 1.5kg tins of unhopped extract (pale)
2kg dextrose
500g crystal grains (steeped)

then a big hoppy boil, say 10L with about 40-50 IBU;

cascade, amarillo, B-saaz 20g each at 45 min

same again at 15 min (rough guess only on IBU's)

that should turn out about 7% and be quite tasty with good body to balance it out

So, you're after more kick than taste, eh?

I'm big on experimenting, so I made this early last month:

* 1 x can of Brigalow 'Munich Lager' (hey, it was cheap, it said 'Munich' and I promise you - I know better now!)
* 1 x kg of dextrose (oops!)
* 1 x can of Saunders Malt Extract (hey - I'm into experimental beer, and it was only about 50% sugar so I was hoping for more 'maltiness')

I used the yeast that can with the *shudders* Brigalow stuff. Chucked it all in a 23L fermenter.

Anyway, it fermented in around 5 days (around 20-degree temp during daytime). To help get the brew fermentation going, I pointed an electric
heater @ the wort. (That works well, actually.)

According to the hydrometer, it came out at about 6.8%-or-so ABV, BEFORE priming sugar (so add about another 0.5%). This was most definitely
NOT beer, but more of a 'malt wine'. Zero head after pouring. Reasonable carbonation. My head spins after downing a longneck of this p*ss.

I tried mixing it with my Coopers Australian Lager (helps take the bitter edge off the un-aged Coopers). I'm considering to use it as a meat

Otherwise, just simply grab a can of el-cheapo 'Homebrand' lager/ale, and brewing it with a *crapload* of the cheapest sugar you can get (1.5-2
kgs). My guess is the crowd ain't gonna care about the possible 'cidery' taste you may get.

[I do reckon, tho, that it's better than that West End Draught rubbish they make in Adl! :eek: )
manticle said:
Any reason you can't make a brew with kick that tastes good as well? I like good beer AND Crass.

If you want rocket fuel, there's an old finnish homebrew drink (Kilju) which is just yeast, sugar and water which you can make to any strength you like depending on the yeast. Freeze distil to concentrate and you'll have something that will probably actually taste like rocket fuel, create horrendous hangovers but do the job. The finns have a slightly more upmarket homebrewed drink called sima which employs lemons and raisins and possibly a different attitude.
This (maybe kulju attitude sima taste) is most likely what we'll end up doing, ticks the boxes and fits rather well with the aesthetic of the band, not that they are too seriously political

manticle said:
As someone who has been (and still sometimes is) involved in going to and organising various underground type gigs (including dark ambient and punk) I'm not a fan of the idea that everything has to be done as crappily as possible. Finding DIY methods of doing things cheaply but properly, I find very exciting. Doing it yourself doesn't mean doing it badly. It just means self reliance and independence. Make some good beer. Give it away. Get hammered on good piss rather than nasty shite.

By no means am I advocating that it always has to be done as crappily as possible, in this case it's more the intention, specific to the band playing.

For when they aren't playing I've got no problem giving away what I produce, I stay dry 5-6 days a week for sporting reasons and 2 or more months at a time when I'm training a lot, so giving away the beer made has always been in the plan, what I was really trying to say before is that I'd be reluctant to spend a lot of time making an ingredient intensive (assuming I make the planned jump to AG) beer eg the RIS when it has solely been made for people who've already had a quite a few drinks. I'd be a lot more comfortable brewing a pale ale or bitter solely for giving away at the show or some of the stout to them before they hit the goon and spirits.

Thanks for all the advice and apologies for the delay in replying entering the busy season at uni.


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