Roast Hops

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Beer Bandit

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you keep seeing roasted and toasted barley in stouts... has there ever been a thing such as toasted, roasted, baked hops.
Would they still give that hoppy aroma after? give a stout a roasted hoppyness. Just a thought
i have heard of smoked hops might have to give it a go soon while im bored
Not entirely sure how that'd go.
From experience, hop flowers do burn quite easily and from all accounts, the flavour isn't anything too flash.
might be worth cold smoking????
Smoked Hops sounds better than roasting/toasting. could go well in those.... err.. Smokey porters
ill let you know how it goes next week, might cold smoke some por flowers i have.
I can imagine you may lose the aroma and possibly some of the acids from the hops going these things?
Would the AA compounds vaporise? Because they have nothing to isomerise in? Assuming you bake them at high temps

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