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I'm thinking of puting down a batch using t-58 I want a nice light refreshing slightly fruity ale, kind of like a kolsch but obviously it won't be the same. Is this too much hops?

25L batch

1.5kg tin TC light LME
1kg extra light DME
500g dextrose
40g saaz 4%@60
20g hallertau 3%@30
10g hallertau 3%@15
T-58(but probably us-05 now)
1 whirlfloc tab@15

15L water to boil then add tin of LME , boil till hot break then start timer, saaz at 60min, first hallertau at 30min, then last at 15min, add rest of fermentables at flame out and cool in ice bath then into the fermenter and topped up with cold filtered water out of the fridge. Shake the **** out of it add yeast starter shake again add airlock ferment in bathtub full of water and frozen bottles aiming for between 18-20oC for 3 weeks then cold crash 3 weeks in fridge and add finings 2 days before bottling and leave it alone for a few months.
F#@king brewzor added all these ingredients up to an OG of 1.040 and I've checked it with two different hydrometers and its come out at 1.060. Is it just something I did or is brewzor *****?
Never used, or even heard of Brewzor. But 1.060 is not right for those ingredients. I'd be expecting 1.043-1.045. Maybe you had a bit of unmixed wort in the tap? I usually discard half a tube woth after mixing like hell, then take a reading
Never used, or even heard of Brewzor. But 1.060 is not right for those ingredients. I'd be expecting 1.043-1.045. Maybe you had a bit of unmixed wort in the tap? I usually discard half a tube woth after mixing like hell, then take a reading

The hydrometer was full of trub so I let a few cups sit till the trub dropped and pour the clear wort into the hydrometer and the reading was exactly the same, brewzors an Android app I don't have a computer. Oh and I did a 90 min boil too.
I ended up using us-05 for this brew and tossed the t-58 I was considering using into a hard cider recipe instead(should be interesting) any way the yeast wash pitched yesterday at about 3pm and I shook the crap out of it to airate and since its so hot I place it in a bathtub full of frozen bottles and wrapped it in a jumper that's 70% submerged to keep it cool. Now the t-58 cider has gone off like a rocket but us-05 brew is just sitting there doing nothing, the stick on thermometers on both fermenters say 22-24*c so it should be fine but this is my first time using 05 so just wondering if it needs a warmer start... Cheers :icon_cheers:
Not warmer than 22 no. 22 is the absolute upper limit I would consider brewing any ale (except saison types) and only of you can't get it lower. You will get a cleaner result at 17-18.

When did you pitch? Just sounds like a time thing.
3 o'clock yesterday, I figured it just hasn't had enough time to take hold yet just thought I'd put it out there and see what others thought.
Never mind just checked and its started to bubble every 15 seconds or so, still haven't worked out how I screwed up the hydrometer readings though