slightly :icon_offtopic: but highly relevant.
im sure they handled their yeast and more so prepared it correctly too. :icon_cheers:
This isnt a dry yeast bash and you will see why. Dry yeast is completely fine assuming you handle it correctly and pitch it at correct rates.
I overheard some interesting information that Chris White (whitelabs) was discussing regarding the use of dry yeast. I believe he estimated cell death of dry yeast if not rehydrated of close to 50%. AKA pitching direct to fermenter.
Now using that information, see the following. The dry yeast packets state on their spec sheet each packet contains 11.5g of yeast and the viability at packaging is 6 * 10 ^ 9 (6 billion cells per g) which equates to 69 billion cells in a packet.
What do whitelabs and wyeast have as a starting point? Around 31% more viable cells in a fresh smack pack/vial. (wyeast state 100 billion cells, whitelabs between 70 -140 billion cells.)
Now the figures above are assuming you pitch the dry yeast after rehydrating. If not, that figure could be closer to 65% less yeast if you decide to sprinkle the dry yeast directly onto the wort.
Now if we think about correct cell pitching rates, what cell count do you need for a 1.050OG 20L wort?
750000*20000*12.5 = 187.5 billion cells.
At worst, one non-rehydrated dry yeast pack will get you to 18%~ of that recommended cell count.
one smack pack/vial assuming 100% viability of a liquid culture at 100 billion cells = 53% if your cell count.
I know what option i would choose.
Smack pack + 1L starter. For those fond of dry yeast, at least two
rehydrated US05 packets.