G'day all,
I've built myself a 1V recirc system similar to many in this thread as my first step into AG - I don't know anyone who does AG home brew so I figured the best way to learn was to read as much as I could then jump in and have a crack. I've done one brew on it a week or so ago to get a feel of how things fit together and now have a few questions please, now that I know how things are working. The brew mostly seemed to go pretty well although my brewhouse efficiency was only around 62-65% according to BeerSmith. Thanks in advance for any help and info.
Basic specs on my system:
- 71 litre Cheeky Peak SS kettle
- 50 litre ebay SS malt pipe
- KK magnetic pump
- KK 2200W SS element
- KK temp controller in SS thermowell on the down-whirlpool side of the element
- Batch target 21 litres (until I get a second element)
- No-sparge at this stage
- The brew was a straight Dr Smurto's Golden Ale taken from the BeerSmith2 database
A few pics of the overall system for context:
1) When recirculating during the mash do we want to be disturbing the grain at all? My initial assumption was no, however I've been reading that BIABers stir their grain so I was wondering if the same needs to happen with the 1V? The video below shows the minimal disturbance I was getting at the top of the bed (by design at the time).
2) The photo below shows the slits I've cut in the malt pipe (rough, I know...), flow seems fine through them with the KK/MP15 pump almost wide open at the top return (as per vid above) but I'm wondering if not having them more evenly distributed would be affecting my efficiency?
3) Is the boil below vigorous enough? Given it's only a single batch volume in a double-batch sized vessel I wasn't sure if the entire brew was staying hot enough, particularly around the edges:
4) Probably hard to tell without a better scale indication but does the grain grind below look fine enough? It went through my fluted MashMaster mill, I don't have a gauge to work out what it was set at but from memory it wasn't far off it's narrowest setting.
Thanks again :beer: