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neal32 said:
I agree in that Coopers Stout is a pretty good beer, but I brew double batches. Would you personally want to drink 70 odd pints of a stout that you brewed that was identical in everyway with EKG @ 60mins or PoR @ 60mins? [/size]That’s what brewing comes down to for me, trying to brew the best tasting beer every single time.[/size]
All fine but that's a long way from 'bin it'.
manticle said:
All fine but that's a long way from 'bin it'.
Not for me, I would bin it. On one of the yank forums there was a guy dumping his double batch of his heady topper clone because it didn't attenuate to where he wanted it. That's 1kg of expensive (delicious) hops because the beer was a few points off the dryness required. Personally I would never do that although I'm closer to his virtues then using PoR or some other hop just because it's there. A few bucks is nothing to make the best beer I can.

Horses for courses. I'm no more correct then the people that like PoR. For me, it's one of the last hops I would be putting in a beer.

P.S You said you don't like Galaxy, I would never use it early but late/FO, it's one of my favourites. Who is right? Both of us. Same with my mate who drinks nothing but VB.
Yes but my point is that I recognise that I don't enjoy the flavour of galaxy. Doesn't mean I would recommend someone else chucks it out or suggest it's bad quality.
All your other points I'm down with although my argument was never about cost saving so that's a straw man.
Best beer I can make every time? I try to improve my technique and understanding, and given the recipe I try to do my best, yes. But I also like to try different things and broaden my skills, as one man's PoR is another man's Galaxy. I recently made a wheat beer using 3068 and single PoR addition. To me it tastes like plastic, all phenolics and clove-type flavour that I don't enjoy. To other wheat beer fans I've given it to, they've commented it's one of the best wheats they've had.
Good beer or bad beer? I'm never going to make it again for myself, but others have asked for the recipe.

Personally given the banter in this thread, I'd do an experimental IPA using the PoR to see what all the fuss is about. Do a 10l batch using a simple grain bill and make a 50 IBU 6% PA (or stout) with heavy late additions. May well be rubbish, but at least then you know what PoR is all about as a late addition rather than listening to split opinions on the forum. If you use some split yeast and local malts, it might cost you $15-$20 all up and you'll be that little bit wiser. Then you only have 800g to worry about. Hell, swing some my way and I'll do it, and will happily send a few bottles in return.

Will also put hairs on your chest and thicken your beard, and make you immune to bear attacks.
Blind Dog said:
Agree it's a better hop than some seem willing to give it credit for, and as it's pretty much the Cooper's signature (seems to be in just about every beer they make except vintage) it clearly isn't a bad hop if used correctly

Kind of feel sorry for it
Coopers Artisan Reserve is made with Hallertau Tradition hops, and the Coopers Pils, in fact the entire lager range.
Then again, some might argue that lager is not the same as beer.

Oh, and Celebration ale uses American hops, doesn't it?
Les the Weizguy said:
Coopers Artisan Reserve is made with Hallertau Tradition hops, and the Coopers Pils, in fact the entire lager range.
Then again, some might argue that lager is not the same as beer.

Oh, and Celebration ale uses American hops, doesn't it?
'Twas artistic licence to make a point
Celebration is PoR for bittering though with NS and centennial as later additions
Not even convinced there's no POR as one of the 'carefully selected' but unnamed hops in some of the lagers, but that may be my imaginative taste buds
TheWiggman said:
Will also put hairs on your chest and thicken your beard, and make you immune to bear attacks.
I call ******** way its gunna thicken your beard.
Make an easy ale

10% Wheat
5-10% Xtal
80% any pilsner or ale malt or mix it from left over sacks, wont really matter

Go for an SG of 1050-55

Bitter it to 35ish IBU Total with only POR, but vary your additions.

If you keep the same base recipe that is fairly neutral then you can easly get an idea of how the hop works at different additions

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