Best beer I can make every time? I try to improve my technique and understanding, and given the recipe I try to do my best, yes. But I also like to try different things and broaden my skills, as one man's PoR is another man's Galaxy. I recently made a wheat beer using 3068 and single PoR addition. To me it tastes like plastic, all phenolics and clove-type flavour that I don't enjoy. To other wheat beer fans I've given it to, they've commented it's one of the best wheats they've had.
Good beer or bad beer? I'm never going to make it again for myself, but others have asked for the recipe.
Personally given the banter in this thread, I'd do an experimental IPA using the PoR to see what all the fuss is about. Do a 10l batch using a simple grain bill and make a 50 IBU 6% PA (or stout) with heavy late additions. May well be rubbish, but at least then you know what PoR is all about as a late addition rather than listening to split opinions on the forum. If you use some split yeast and local malts, it might cost you $15-$20 all up and you'll be that little bit wiser. Then you only have 800g to worry about. Hell, swing some my way and I'll do it, and will happily send a few bottles in return.
Will also put hairs on your chest and thicken your beard, and make you immune to bear attacks.