porter recipe?

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Anyone got a killer porter recipe they recommmend? I've been doing some research but would love some recommendations.

One that seemed to be highly spoken of was Tony's Bullshead porter - but I can't find it in the recipe DB?

big fan of zywiec, which seems like it is a baltic porter (differences?)

This is mine:


I now do this with simpsons malts instead of JW and prefer the results. I have also done it with 1469 and it's great.

Final tweak - I cold steep roasted malts overnight (pot, glad wrap, fridge) and add the grain and liquor to the last 10 minutes of the mash. Soft water, calcium sulphate and chloride in equal amounts to mash and boil.
manticle said:
This is mine:


I now do this with simpsons malts instead of JW and prefer the results. I have also done it with 1469 and it's great.

Final tweak - I cold steep roasted malts overnight (pot, glad wrap, fridge) and add the grain and liquor to the last 10 minutes of the mash. Soft water, calcium sulphate and chloride in equal amounts to mash and boil.
manticle, do the effects of adding your cold steeped liquor differ when adding to the mash as opposed to the last few mins of the boil? i've read to strain it and add cold steeped liquor in the last 10-5 mins of the boil is all.
fletcher said:
manticle, do the effects of adding your cold steeped liquor differ when adding to the mash as opposed to the last few mins of the boil? i've read to strain it and add cold steeped liquor in the last 10-5 mins of the boil is all.
I've not heard of doing that but it sounds like a good way to get colour without much roast flavour into something like a black IPA.

However a porter (and stout - I do it with stout too) does want roast flavour. What you want to avoid in this instance is any astringemcy from large portions of roast and having a mash that is too acidic. Cold steeping and adding the lot to the end of the mash gets all the flavour you could want without making the mash overly acidic (avoiding both astringency and the need to add carbonates).

Smooth and roasty at the same time.
I read somewhere that the English would often add there dark roasted grains to the boil kettle. With wine tannins mellow over time, so with a well aged stout perhaps astringency isn't an issue.

Not trying to be conra-manticle, just mentioning it for the sake of diversity.
lael - pretty sure I have Tonys Porter recipe in one of my folders as ive done it a couple of times. Will have a look today and post it here.
Thanks for the helpful responses!

Manticle - what liquor/grist ratios are you using and how does the final flavour from cold steeping differ from using calcium carbonate to buffer in the mash?

Hoppy, that is fascinating, not sure that I'm game to try it :)
With the cold steep - I just use enough water to cover and soak the grains. I'm 2.5 L - 1kg grain in the main mash but less fussy about the steep.

I don't like CaCO3, I find it can taste chalky. It is also an ineffective way of dropping mash pH unless dissolved in acid first. Read Braukaiser and Brun water knowledge pages for more info.
Hey lael

I thought I had a printout of it from the actual recipe section but cant find it. I did find my notes from the last time I made it though. This was for a double batch so you'll just need to scale it down.

Tonys Bulls Tail Porter - 35 IBUs

9kg Barrett and Burston Ale (I'd probably go with Maris Otter if doing it again?)
600gms Dark Crystal
500gms Choc Malt
200gms Caraaroma

35gms Superpride @ 60 (Im pretty sure his original recipe called for POR as ive crossed it out. Probably didn't have any at the LHBS?)
38gms EKG @ 10 + Whirlfloc

Mashed at 64 for 60 mins


Tasting notes: V Good as usual.

Hope this helps.

Like the idea of the cold steeping Manticle.


Edit: Barrys RobPo recipe in the recipe section looks like a good one.
Thanks Steve!

Do you have the OG and expected FG ? Was 64C the mash temp that Tony did it at as well? I'm tempted to mash at a higher temp to get a nice full body - would love to get the mouthfeel of guinness - but I know that is mostly the nitrogen not the mashing.

Looking up the RobPo now!
Does look nice... does no black, roast malt malt make it more of a brown than a robust porter?
London Porter taken and altered from BYO mag with info from other sources, this is double batch (42L keged) Just use the percentage's to work to your setup and desired batch size.

If your chilling aim for 30 IBU'S at around 6 weeks it's hard to stop pouring another in this climate.

Massive credit to Steve Nichols for the help in developing this recipe.

london Porter.png
Robust porter

47IBU SG 1055

8% cararoma
Touch of Carafaa III
Touch of RB
Good base malt

Use Fuggles to bitter and EKG for aroma of about 7-10 Ibu

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