Por Flowers?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Be sure to report back on what they're like Andrew. :)
I stocked up on SAAZ......... 1KG in the fridge just waiting for a pilsner or 4 :)

BenH, It just so happens that I do have some homegrown POR flowers.

The only problem is you have to guess the Alpha % and hope you come in around the right mark.

KHB, what amount are you after?


Sorry to drop you in it wally. :unsure:
Not really a problem. I can't see myself using them anytime soon.


Couldnt you bitter with something else and add the POR flowers late for flavour and aroma for a CSA?

If you dont want them i am sure i could find something in the freezer you might like! PM me with a wishlist (hops or yeast) and I'll see what i can do :D
I doubt you'll see galaxy or millenium on the HBS. The hop growers company gets more money from selling to the breweries. We're a drop in the ocean by comparison.


Don't be so sure.... B)

We now have new season.....

Millennium Pellets.
Galaxy pellets & flowers.
Summer Saaz pellets.
Super Pride Pellets.

Keen to get feedback from those trialling them.

We have limited supply & still packing, so orders may take a few days to get out.

