Please Post Feedback On Your Recipes!

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I am probably as guilty as anyone but.......

Lately I have done a load of searches on this site and others looking for clone or style recipe ideas. Frustratingly many of the posts I found go something like this:

1. Got this great recipe I am going to brew tomorrow
2. Recipe contains XYZ
3. Will post back when its in the glass

And guess what????? Thats usually the last post in the thread from them. Obviously there are many excellent exceptions for well established recipes but there are alot of dead ends out there. If you post a recipe and its a cracker, or even if you learnt from your mistakes try and get back to the original post and let us know how it went.

Sorry for the rant, will take a Bex now and lie down

Good call.

Many threads that aim at chasing a beer recipe end like this, whether it's a recipe that hasn't hit the spot or just forgetfulness.

The only other big annoyance from this site is the still not updated recipe db. I have never posted a recipe on as yet, but you would think the biggest home brewing site in the Southern Hemisphere could update its ingredients list once in a while and improve the way recipe are inputted.

It ain't me - mine end up with pictures (usually really bad ones) and a description of what I did, what I'd do differently, tasting notes and the like.

Why on earth would I put one on the recipedb if it wasn't a. good enough and b. able to be replicated?

Seems a waste of time otherwise.