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And his tip about trying less and less topping (Sauce) is spot on. I originally though I wouldnt have enough when making the sauce but ended up removing some and next time Ill add even less.
found some old pics of my first couple of goes

Great looking char, I just cant get that with my stone/oven :(
Chicago Deep Dish

This was now where near enough cheese, go for double the amount and then some more to help balance all the tomato.


I added the crushed tomatos straight from the can after draining.


It was good but I made the wrong base and the hydration was way to high. Plus it needs a lot more cheese and toppings to help balance all the tomato. But its on the list to cook again :D
Ok, i'm making a trip up to the Queen Vic Market on my lunch break for ingredients.

Pizzas are planned for tomrrow night. I will have to prep the dough tonight with how cold and miserable its been in Melbourne, the ambients are a killer with yeast based dough making these days.

After my recent Roti making experience, im thinking of stretching my dough like roti are done (the pickup and slap method).

Planned Pizzas are:

- Roast pepper, anchovy, basil, olive, Fior Di Latte and Meredith Goasts cheese.
- Fior Di Latte, Garlic Prawn and Chorizo (i wanted scallop but SWMBO wasn't up for it, dont know why, she loves scallops!)
- Proschuitto, Basil, Garlic and Fior Di Latte.

- Calzone for work with the left overs. :beerbang:

I'll be using the patented Fourstar Hooded BBQ w/standstone method. Hopefully the weather keeps up. I'll take plenty of happy snaps to show the procedure and the beautiful results! :icon_drool2:

I wonder if i can get San Marzano tomatoes anywhere? Hmmmmm.
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Ok, i'm making a trip up to the Queen Vic Market on my lunch break for ingredients.

Pizzas are planned for tomrrow night. I will have to prep the dough tonight with how cold and miserable its been in Melbourne, the ambients are a killer with yeast based dough making these days.

After my recent Roti making experience, im thinking of stretching my dough like roti are done (the pickup and slap method).

Planned Pizzas are:

- Roast pepper, anchovy, basil, olive, Fior Di Latte and Meredith Goasts cheese.
- Fior Di Latte, Garlic Prawn and Chorizo (i wanted scallop but SWMBO wasn't up for it, dont know why, she loves scallops!)
- Proschuitto, Basil, Garlic and Fior Di Latte.

- Calzone for work with the left overs. :beerbang:

I'll be using the patented Fourstar Hooded BBQ w/standstone method. Hopefully the weather keeps up. I'll take plenty of happy snaps to show the procedure and the beautiful results! :icon_drool2:

I wonder if i can get San Marzano tomatoes anywhere? Hmmmmm.

Sounds good!
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Planned Pizzas are:

- Roast pepper, anchovy, basil, olive, Fior Di Latte and Meredith Goasts cheese.
- Fior Di Latte, Garlic Prawn and Chorizo (i wanted scallop but SWMBO wasn't up for it, dont know why, she loves scallops!)
- Proschuitto, Basil, Garlic and Fior Di Latte.

I think my invitation must have got lost in the mail...I'd love to come ;-)
I think my invitation must have got lost in the mail...I'd love to come ;-)

Get your butt on a flight down here and i'd make ya some. ;) otherwise you will have to drool over the screen on saturday night.

Hmmm, maybe i can organise a big pizza night on a day during the anhc?! Hmmmmm.
Pizza night @ Casa Fourstar! :icon_chickcheers:

Dough. You all know how to make it, formed to 4 rounds and going for their final proof.

Sauce. Basil, Tomato, Salt, Garlic, EVO & Pepper which was given a gentle blitz.

Toppings. Chorizo, Fior Di Latte, Olives, Roasted Capsicum. (Out of Picture) Basil, Prosciutto and Tiger Prawns.

Oven. Patented Fourstar Sandstone on 4 burner Jumbuck Hooded BBQ. :icon_cheers:

Pizza. Before/During Cooking/After. This one was Tiger Prawn, Chorizo, Fior Di Latte & Chilli Flakes.

Next Pizza. Prosciutto, Basil, Olives, Roasted Capsicum Fior Di Latte. Check that awesome base/crust!

Final Pizza + Calzone.
Pizza - Prawn, Olive, Roast Capsicum, Basil & Fior Di Latte.
Calzone - Chorizo, sauce, whole egg, basil, Fior di latte and topped with parmesan.

Enjoy! I did! :beerbang:
Pizza night @ Casa Fourstar! :icon_chickcheers:

Enjoy! I did! :beerbang:

Looks good.

I had some leftover ferment from the baking today so I made an onion pizza with it. Bit of an experiment. Just the dough covered in thinly sliced onion then cooked till the onion went brown. Take out, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

It was bloody good.

No picture. It was eaten before the camera could be found.
Looks good.

I had some leftover ferment from the baking today so I made an onion pizza with it. Bit of an experiment. Just the dough covered in thinly sliced onion then cooked till the onion went brown. Take out, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

It was bloody good.

No picture. It was eaten before the camera could be found.

Ive been thinking about doing something like that or maybe some confit onions and shredded duck breast :icon_drool2:
I have made pizza's using the 4* method now about 10 times and can highly recommend it. I have a small stainless steel box for wood pellets and shavings which I sit on one of the side burners. After I pop the pizza on the stone I throw some shavings in the box to add some wood-fired flavour. I was a bit dissapointed when I got some scorch marks on the lovely looking sandstone but now I see the photos of 4*'s I see mine has a long way to go until it's authentic.

Last nights efforts
- Tomato and garlic sauce, baby octopus, avocado, spinach, capers, baby spinach and boconcini.
- No sauce, just brushed with olive oil, prosciuto, pear, fig, walnut, baby spinach, blue cheese and boconcini.

Sorry no photos, they weren't around for long enough.

BIG pizzza session on saturday.

sauce - tomatos (fresh and pasata), basil, pepper salt, garlic and a couple of anchovies.
dough - same recipe as Mika's (page 1) except instead of water I used 2/3rds Aussie Rice lager (had enoght left in the keg for the dough and 1 pint for me) and 1/3 water. I doubled the recipe to make 7 bases (2 nights worth).

Getting ready with the helpers (which makes the process a lot slower but enjoyable)

Helper #1 haveing a spirited crack at kneading

Rest time (some beer for dough, some for the chef)

Some of the bases waiting around to be made

now for the money shots

Potato, garlic, rosemary, little bit of provolone and parmasan (hald with some chilli for me)

Sauce, Pumpkin, mozzarella, cream cheese (white blobs) and basil

sauce, procutto, cherry tomatoes, cream cheese, basil (and half with black olives for me)

margarita (just sauce, provolone, motzrella and lots of fresh oregono)

Ham & Pineapple for the girls (sauce, ham, pineapple, provolone and motz)

lovely crunchy thin bases. Standout pizza for me was the potato and suprisingly the margarita once I added some olives. really lovely and fresh. All about the sauce.

Pancetta, pear, fig, walnut, baby spinach and blue cheese.
I bought one of those a while back from aldi to supplement the stone I already had. You can't go wrong for $7 and while the stone is a little rougher than my more expensive one which has smoother edges, it does the same job, and the cutter works a treat.

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