Pitching Yeast...how Long Can I Wait?

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Ive just put down an ESB 3kg Bavarian Wheat...no additions, just the can and water. Trouble is, tap water here is about 32C. I added some chilled water but still the whole wort is sitting on 30C...I have covered with glad wrap and put in brewing fridge (set at 18)...I guess this will take some time to get 23L down to pitching temp. Im confident things are sterile and I plan to wait and pitch this evening. Just wanted to check that it was ok to leave it for about 8 hrs total before pitching? Or will this introduce high risk of infection? SHould I just pitch now at about 28-30 (broke my thermometer while cleaning up :angry: ).

As long as your sanitation regime is good, you shouldn't have any problem at all. Let's face it, it usually takes a lot longer than eight hours for a yeast to start firing.

I'd wait until the temp gets down to low 20s before pitching.

BTW, what yeast are you using on that? With a genuine Bavarian wheat beer yeast that ESB kit is one of the best kits I ever brewed with (back in the distant days when I brewed kits). Keeping the temp to 18-20 max would be good.

I usually pitch around 8-12 hrs after filling the fermenter.

As Geoffi said, as long as your sanitation is good you shouldn't have a problem.


BTW - definately wait until its cooler before you pitch.
Cheers Geoffi..thi ESB kit came with a Saf wheat yeast...not sure of the No offhand. will pitch later in the low 20s and ferment out at 18.

I suspect this one will sit in the fridge for a few weeks before bottling as Ive only got a few bottles left !! I either need to drink more of my already bottled batches or get into kegging....cant buy longnecks up here due to alcohol restrictions in the Kimberley!!!
...I either need to drink more of my already bottled batches....

Now ya gettin' it Alby :rolleyes:

Consumption driven by demand. Basic economic principals. Well that's what I told SWMBO... :lol:

Sounds like your in the swing of things now Alby. Pitch close to the low 20's mate and you'll be fine. +1 to the boys above.

That ESB kit is great the yeast is SAF, could be T58?
Anyhow i would wait till 24* or lower, you could ice brick the fermenter if you are worried but the previous post is right, the yeast may start off when you pitch but its probably a day before it sets in and takes hold.
in brewing fridge (set at 18)...

since you seem to have a dedicated brewing fridge, can you change the temp to 0-4oC, or put some freezer bricks (or frozen PET bottle of water) in the fridge to help chill it quicker? this is what I do
Good idea WW..why didnt I think of that...its not rocket surgery!

anyway, I reckon by the time I get home from work it should be about right to go.
Even in my dead fridge, if I have a cube up around 32 degrees I can put it in there and stack five or six 2 L frozen PET's around it, and it gets down to low 20s from say mid morning to mid afternoon, then I can pitch.