Photo Gallery , Ahb Brewers

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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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I have started an album of Aussie Home Brewer...Brewers
I'll like everyone to add photos of any brew day be it one or many attending
I can't work out how to open posting to everyone a present , so if you have some photos PM me and I'll add you
I am sure the web masters can help me out here.
I saw others taking photos at these brew days I was at , and big d thingy is happening now
Post away brewers !
Top idea batz. This is the digital camera age after all.
C'mon everyone that took piccys at any get together. Post up.
Does doing my measley extract boil on the stove count Batz? :D

Yes it does Johnno :p

We all await Johnno's extract boil at the kitchen stove :rolleyes: ;)
You have access now Johnno so weres the photos? B)
Heya Batz - good idea - good to see the gallery being used.

Some good pics up there already.

IF you want to give all members the ability to upload pics you can go into permissions on the album and scroll down to EVERYBODY and add them to the list rather than just users names.

Obviously this may be hard to administer and u might just want to keep it how u are doing now.

Either way...
OK it's open to everybody

Add pics of ABH brewers !
I'm on caht now but I am looking for those lame piccys.
Will post soon hopefully.
Batz, I finally posted them. cant figure out how to name them though. Must be all the wine, oops beer I had tonight.

Well done Batz. I never could get into the original album you put together, good to finally see the photos.
johnno said:
Batz, I finally posted them. cant figure out how to name them though. Must be all the wine, oops beer I had tonight.

You should be able to name them when you upload them - if not if Batz has given permissions there should be a drop down box under the pic to change it's title text.

If not just PM Batz and he can do it - he might noot want every man and his dog to have access to renaming pics :)

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