Phosphoric Acid

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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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I know not this again :eek:

Now that I live in a more dairy type place I am going to get some phosphoric acid dairy cleaner.
Ok, question which type do you brewers who use this buy?

Dasco's website looks to have two which would be Ok,"Iophos" and "Eliminate"
now I don't even know if I can buy these brands.

Any comments?

Hi Batz,
the one i use is 85% pure. Just Phosphoric acid. I then use some lads acid to foam it up a bit. (thanks sosman)
Pobably better having a chat to them and seeing what % they are.


Jasol sell a product called "Dairy Care Morn Clean" which is a phosphoric based cleaner. The sanitiser is called Peroxitane.

You might find these in your local dairy supply stores.

Hay Batz , I was on the blower yesterday trying to get some sence out of a company up here in Cairns .. keep us upto date on how you go....

might need to ring the tablelands area go the dairy option

Cheers bunyip
Batz - the stuff we bought was Eliminate.

I still have 2L spare if you want some.

Thanks Hoops, bit hard to get it fron you , I thought I may get my own , do you have to buy 20lt containers?
And if so how much was it?

Cheers Batz
I now am the proud owner of 20lt of Eliminate , cost me $123.20

At a rate of 20ml per 10lt I think it will last me sometime :huh:

Also have fire extinguishers for my C02 , hell things are a lot easier here than in the Pilbara !

Bit of a trip when I need grain but hell 140km beats 1600km any day

Sorry Batz, missed the Q before.
I think DaveR got the last 5L container a while back.

Give me a yell next time you're down Brisbane way - I've got your erlenmeyers here just itching to get yeast in them :D

Hi all

I am looking to buy in bulk some eliminate or similar phos-acid based steraliser. Is there a local dealer in Brisbane (south side prefered) that any one knows of and has anyone heard of it being sold in 5L lots recently.

Regards Derrick
I have scored myself a couple of litres from TidalPete but need a container to store it in. I have read not to use PET, but what is an appropriate container?

i got mine from a bloke that was working in a pie factory.
went 1/2s in a 20L drum :)
iophos rings a bell but I can't remember the exact name of it, he said it's a sanitiser.
Cheers Wes

I take it most cleaning and laundry products would be stored in polypropylene containers, so I just need to find an empty one.
According to visy I need to find a container with a 5 in the recycling triangle and cleaning product bottles are made from HDPE not polypropylene.

Will have to walk around woolies looking for a bottle with a 5 on it ...should be fun :blink:
I bought a 20L of pure (well.. i think it's actually 86ish percent) orthophos not long ago. Just go to your closest plastics wholesaler (i went to Menzel's).

They have all kinds of really usefull stuff, and you'll be able to buy a proper chemical bottle with safety cap, and "Poison" molded into the actual bottle for less than $5. I think a 5L one was around $4.

I think it's worth the investment when dealing with something as cool as Orthophos - I'm sure there's at least few safety conscious people around here who will back me up ;)
Hi Folks,

Just to add to this. I would also suggest a proper chemical container with safety lid, you can pick up 1 litre bottles for around $1 each from plastic wholesalers. Must be carefull to label bottles appropriately and NEVER lay bottles down as they have a breather hole in the lid and will cause you problems. May I also suggest a good sanitizer, Proxitane, it can be bought from some pool shops or chemical wholesalers. Need to wear gloves and safety glasses until diluted 2ml per litre. Has no known mutations and is used in the food industry. It leaves no residue so no rinsing afterwards is necessary. You will never get an infection again.
Sodium Hydroxide is a good cleaner for all your equipment, but needs to be rinsed thoroughly. Happy Brewing :chug:

PS: Proxitane is a combination of;

Peroxy Aceatic Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide
I'm with Hawko777 on this one.
Sodium Hydroxide is the go. Cheap as chips and get it from Woolworths.
I have not scrubbed a fermenter for about 12 months now, just a simple soak and a good rinse.
I then store all the fermenter taps in a solution of Milton.
They have all kinds of really usefull stuff, and you'll be able to buy a proper chemical bottle with safety cap, and "Poison" molded into the actual bottle for less than $5. I think a 5L one was around $4.

Sounds the way to go.

The only place I could find is cospak but their site doesnt have any suitable bottles and they only sell in bulk.

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