Pewter Tankards

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That's some cool stuff there Pumpy

Looks a little creepy,even for the Batcave :huh:

Pumpy... you have issues :blink:
How do you find all this stuff ??
I think you're spending too much time in front of the computer and not enough time in front of your brewstand and new pump :p
mika_lika said:
Pumpy... you have issues :blink:
How do you find all this stuff ??
I think you're spending too much time in front of the computer and not enough time in front of your brewstand and new pump :p

Batz, glad you liked it I rather likesd the Pre Raphalite Styled "Tvorik Tankard"

Mika_lika, Your right I do have a bit of time on my hands whilst apart from my brewstand and new pump.
I was inspired by this gothic site ,by a rather atrractive Gothic barmaid here in a local pub ,who has a tatto of a Bat on her forearm and must have an other interest, as she sports a rather large 'love bite' on her very pale neck .
Whilst she pours me a pint Greene King IPA ,and seving me my pie chips and peas .


Pumpy :unsure:
Pewter Tankards are part of the equipment of the 'Sealed knot' a society which reinacts the English Civil war battles , it seems a lot of fun and a good excuse for a piss up afterwoods, where they make full use of there pewter tankards which they have hanging rom there belts .

I am trying to get a job as a brewer for the Cromwellian army ( they wont see if the beer is cloudy in those pewter tankards ) :)\

This is the new technology

Frosty beer mug tankards

Can also be used to keep your beer warm as in England :)


Got this one about ten years ago, from an add in one of the aussie homebrew magazines (now defunct), not pewter, but great too drink out of.
Keeps the beer nice & cold, and holds over half a litre.

Nice ceramic Tankard Norm the colour appear to be in the same themeas youtr new Logo

Pumpy :)