Hi All,
Having moved to doing Extract beers with Specality grain over the past 6 months I want to start moving towards Partial Mash to introduce Grain on my way to AG. Having read that people use Eskies to mash in this is probably the best method for me at the moment. I did find a 10L esky at Bunnings that I think would be ideal as I will not be mashing large amounts of Grain as I want to do 50/50 Grain/Extract.
OR am I better off just following the 20L Stovetop All-Grain method by Nick JD at http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...showtopic=44264
This is the Esky I am thinking: http://www.bunnings.com.au/products_produc...ooler_5081.aspx
My main pre-requist is I want to keep it simple and not have to fork out for new equipment. I currently complete my Extract with a 20L stockpot (BigW) and then top the fermeter up with chilled water to bring it up to 21L for fermentation.
Having read a fair few posts I think I have a fairly good idea of what is required in mashing and then having extract make up the remainder. I am hoping some people could provide feedback/suggestions.
My first Partial I would really like to nail a Australian Lager that is easy drinking. Again never having used grain that needed mashing not too sure on recipe ideas but here goes.
Partial/Extract Lager
- 1.5kg Joe White Pilsner Malt
- 1kg Briess Golden Dry Malt
- 500g Dextrose
- Pride of Ringwood bittered to 20-25 IBU
- S-23 Fermented @ 12C
These are the steps I have in my head, though would appreciate any feedback/corrections etc.
- Heat 4.5litres (ratio 3:1) to 66C (I guess I need to allow a temp drop once the grain gets puts in?)
- Tip 66C water into esky and then add Pilsner Malt into grain bag and put in Esky immersed in water.
- Put lid on esky and leave for 90mins to mash at around 64C (should I be swirling the grain bag around every so often?)
- After 90mins lift grain bag out and allow to drip.
- Pour collected wort from Esky into stockpot ready for Boil.
- Place grain bag into collander and then pour 4.5litres of 70C water over the grain and allow to drip into esky
- Pour sparge water from Esky into stockpot.
- Top stockpot up to achieve a 12L pre-boil volume
- Bring to a rolling boil and then add hops as per usual....tip into fermenter after cool down period and top fermenter up to achieve a 21L fermentation volume.
Hopefully the above makes sense. Thanks for your help in advance.
Having moved to doing Extract beers with Specality grain over the past 6 months I want to start moving towards Partial Mash to introduce Grain on my way to AG. Having read that people use Eskies to mash in this is probably the best method for me at the moment. I did find a 10L esky at Bunnings that I think would be ideal as I will not be mashing large amounts of Grain as I want to do 50/50 Grain/Extract.
OR am I better off just following the 20L Stovetop All-Grain method by Nick JD at http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...showtopic=44264
This is the Esky I am thinking: http://www.bunnings.com.au/products_produc...ooler_5081.aspx
My main pre-requist is I want to keep it simple and not have to fork out for new equipment. I currently complete my Extract with a 20L stockpot (BigW) and then top the fermeter up with chilled water to bring it up to 21L for fermentation.
Having read a fair few posts I think I have a fairly good idea of what is required in mashing and then having extract make up the remainder. I am hoping some people could provide feedback/suggestions.
My first Partial I would really like to nail a Australian Lager that is easy drinking. Again never having used grain that needed mashing not too sure on recipe ideas but here goes.
Partial/Extract Lager
- 1.5kg Joe White Pilsner Malt
- 1kg Briess Golden Dry Malt
- 500g Dextrose
- Pride of Ringwood bittered to 20-25 IBU
- S-23 Fermented @ 12C
These are the steps I have in my head, though would appreciate any feedback/corrections etc.
- Heat 4.5litres (ratio 3:1) to 66C (I guess I need to allow a temp drop once the grain gets puts in?)
- Tip 66C water into esky and then add Pilsner Malt into grain bag and put in Esky immersed in water.
- Put lid on esky and leave for 90mins to mash at around 64C (should I be swirling the grain bag around every so often?)
- After 90mins lift grain bag out and allow to drip.
- Pour collected wort from Esky into stockpot ready for Boil.
- Place grain bag into collander and then pour 4.5litres of 70C water over the grain and allow to drip into esky
- Pour sparge water from Esky into stockpot.
- Top stockpot up to achieve a 12L pre-boil volume
- Bring to a rolling boil and then add hops as per usual....tip into fermenter after cool down period and top fermenter up to achieve a 21L fermentation volume.
Hopefully the above makes sense. Thanks for your help in advance.